
Learning Effectiveness of Picture Book Pedagogy in the Teaching of Social Studies for Grade Three Students—A Case Study of a Self-Designed Taiwanese Opera Picture Book

  • 蕭韓格/碩士生/110年度
  • 藝教所


Hsiao Ju-Sung’s Recapturing of Landscape into Painting - Repetition, Variation and Style

  • 凌春玉/博士生/110年度
  • 書畫學系


The Creation Description of Short Film:“Floating on Water”

  • 蘇意惠 / 碩士生 / 109年度
  • 廣播電視學系


Research on the manufacture of Erhu in Taiwan

  • 李巧昱 / 碩士生 / 109年度
  • 中國音樂學系


Oral-history of Taiwan Contemporary Art Education


Through interviews with various Taiwanese contemporary art masters, this book provides an artistic ecology from different perspectives.

  • 王家男 / 博士生 / 2021
  • 當代視覺文化與實踐博士班

臺灣基督新教藝術家創作實踐之意義初探 —— 以安力·給怒「心樹·新靈」個展爲例

A Preliminary Study on the Meaning of the Creation Practice of Protestant Artists in Taiwan -- A Case Study of the Exhibition


There are a lot of Protestant art activities in Taiwan, but what is the meaning of the artwork

  • 陳曉春 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所


A Study of the Qualia Characteristics of Taiwanese Food


Food experience is crucial for international tourists to understand local cultures. Studies have revealed that qualia are critical for product design

  • 楊正翔 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


National Museum of Taiwan History commissioned an archival film restoring project to Tainan National University of Arts in 2008


Cultural ergonomics is an approach that considers interaction- and experience-based variations among cultures

  • 林榮泰
  • 創意產業設計研究所


The‘‘Confucius Ceremony‘ (literally ‘display-presentation‘ ceremony) originally is not a specific terminology for sacrifice to Confucius

  • 蔡秉衡
  • 中國音樂學系