
  • 鐘世凱
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系


Along with the rise of conscious of international environment protection and development of green consumption

  • 韓豐年
  • 圖文傳播藝術學系


Cultural ergonomics is an approach that considers interaction- and experience-based variations among cultures

  • 林榮泰
  • 創意產業設計研究所


The project analyzes the realistic connectivity between the 2014 Draft of Cultural Basic Law (CBA) and discourses of cultural governance in Taiwan

  • 劉俊裕
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所


National Museum of Taiwan History commissioned an archival film restoring project to Tainan National University of Arts in 2008


The paper is based on the observational position: “spirit resonance” is closely germane to the movement of Modern Chinese art (or Chinese modern art).

  • 廖新田
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所


The Minnan, Hakka and Chaozhou groups in Minnan, Yuedong districts have respectively handed down Minnan ancient music

  • 張儷瓊
  • 中國音樂學系


This study aims to discuss the impact of “Multi-sensory Mode” on young artists’ creativity, and the research results can be references

  • 陳郁佳
  • 視覺傳達設計系


In these years, there are more and more creative workers and industries aggregated around the Dihwa Streets

  • 殷寶寧
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所


This article extended the framework of immersive media technology experience to construct the model of quality of experience

  • 陳俊良
  • 創意產業設計研究所