
Compared to ordinary feature films, short animations are quite different as the story must be completely expressed in a limited span of time

  • 鐘世凱
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系


In the cross-province area between South Fujian and East Guangdong, three main zheng schools are inherited, representing respectively Minnan

  • 張儷瓊
  • 中國音樂學系


“Creativity“ is a key element often used in the design process of problem-solving. Usually, people pay much attention to the products with

  • 林榮泰
  • 創意產業設計研究所


The Ergonomics Society of Taiwan will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2013. The study looked into the development

  • 林志隆
  • 工藝設計學系


There was a radical polemical of direction between tradition and modernity, the oriental and the occidental acros the Taiwan

  • 廖新田
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所


The project looks into the development of cultural governance and cultural public sphere in Taiwan, especially the rise of cultural public forum

  • 劉俊裕
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所


Previous studies have presented people prefer an object composed of curved contour or symmetry much than which with angular contours

  • 傅銘傳
  • 視覺傳達設計系


Long-term bedridden patients are facing the problem like, lake of companions or surrounding in boring...

  • 陳郁佳
  • 視覺傳達設計系


  • 陳俊良


  • 許杏蓉
  • 視覺傳達設計系