
Interactive Exhibition and Visitor Behavior Intention -The Case Study of SOKA Culture Exhibitions

本研究探互動展示的觀眾參與經驗,應用總體學習成果模式(Generic Learning Outcomes, GLOs)理論...

This study explores the audience participation experience and applies the Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) theory...

  • 洪達媛 / 碩士生 / 2018年
  • 藝術管理與文化政策所


As Time Goes By

“You must leave now, take what you need, you think will last/But whatever you wish to keep, you ...

  • 侯伯彥 / 碩士生 / 2018年
  • 電影學系日間碩士班


  • 邱杰森 / 博士生 / 2018年
  • 美術系當代視覺文化博士班


Taipei Biyori


  • 紀佳佳 / 碩士生 / 2018年
  • 電影學系日間碩士班


Interview Project _ Image Special


Recent Achievements of NEDO Durability Project with an Emphasis on Correlation Between Cathode Overpotential and Ohmic Loss

  • 詹嘉華
  • 廣電系


Before The End of Summer


  • 隋淑芬 / 碩士生 / 2018年
  • 電影學系日間碩士班


A Process Study on Lin Zhao-Ying’s Literati Painting and Common Customs from Qian-long to Chia-ching Period of Ching Dynasty in Taiwan.


This Ph.D dissertation can be divided into “introduction and research methodology” and...

  • 謝忠恆 / 博士生 / 2015年
  • 書畫藝術學系