因著科技的進步以及資訊爆炸,加上速食文化的影響日漸加增,社會上愈來愈看重產值及效率,而這樣高效率的社會環境也造成了諸多的心理壓力,出現了許多值得探討的現象與議題。本創作利用2D動畫、3D動畫以及實拍影片複合媒材的方式來呈現這個現象,並使用非線性敘事加強給大眾的印象,最後運用科幻與手繪的美術風格去進一步加強視覺效果。 本論文在文獻探討中,把非線性敘事做出了結構分類,這樣的分類有助於本創作之快速應用,並能使編劇的思路更清晰。而複合媒材的眾多文獻顯示,2D動畫、3D動畫以及實拍影片在複合的使用上因為都是影像類的媒材,在製作流程上相似,能彌補互相的短處,而這三者搭配出來的影像也產生新的藝術價值。最後利用Cyberpunk其科幻的背景強調資訊與步調的快速;利用複合媒材代表不同的世界以及各角色心境狀態,並加強影像表現抓住觀眾;非線性的敘事手法強化速食社會的混亂、現實及人們內心的狀態及壓力,加強觀眾對此議題的關注。 本創作期望提供對非線性敘事以及複合媒材研究領域有興趣的動畫創作者參考,在美術上的嘗試也企盼能帶給其他創作者之啟發。
A Creation Description of the Mixed Media Animation電視劇《俗女養成記》改編之研究
A Study of the Adaptation of the Television Drama The Making of an Ordinary Woman表演者身心詮釋歷程之探究-以2022畢業製作【漫遊者】為例
A Study on the Interpretation Experience of Performers’ Body-Mind:2022 Graduation Production "Les Flâneurs"觸及閱聽人:中國獨立電影的發行研究
Reaching Audiences: A Study on the Distribution of Chinese Independent Films媒介生態學視野下-臺灣OTT TV產業發展策略之研究
Research on the Development Strategies of Taiwan OTT TV Industry by Using the Perspective of Media Ecology繪本教學對國小三年級生社會領域學習成效之研究─以自編歌仔戲繪本為例
Learning Effectiveness of Picture Book Pedagogy in the Teaching of Social Studies for Grade Three Students—A Case Study of a Self-Designed Taiwanese Opera Picture Book走出新公共管理:文化資產再生之協力治理與公共價值建構
Beyond New Public Management: The Collaborative Governance and Public Value Building on Historical Site Regeneration身體行為與側寫計劃-鄧聖薷創作研究
A Reflection of Profiling and Body Behavior in Sculpture-The Works of Teng Sheng-Ru蕭如松風景再現之研究─反複、變異與風格形成
Hsiao Ju-Sung’s Recapturing of Landscape into Painting - Repetition, Variation and Style《L(C)(O)K of ROCK》以視覺詮釋搖滾樂風之動態圖像創作研究
《L(C)(O)K of ROCK》A Research and Creation of Motion Graphics on Visual Interpretation of Rock Music Style109年度
The Creation Description of Short Film:“Floating on Water”連續的行程-李佳珈創作實踐研究
Forming of Continuous-Art Practices by Lee, Chia-chia群聚效應-劉奕堂陶藝創作論述
Gathering Effect─Self-interpretation of Liu Yi Tang’s Ceramic Art奇幻劇《燃燒的楓樹》:廣播劇與電子書創作
Fantasy Drama "Burning Maple": the Creations of Radio Drama and E-book創客教育對國小五年级學生創造力與空間能力影響之探討一以3D列印課程為例
The Study on the Effect of Maker Education on the Creativity and Spatial Abilities of Fifth Grades – 3D Printing Courses兩岸視覺設計風格之發展研究(1960s~2020) —以設計類刊物《工業設計》與《裝飾》為例
The Study on the Development of Visual Design Style across the Strait (1960s-2020)—Using the design publications Industrial Design and Art & Design as examples中國芭蕾《紅色娘子軍》之跨文化研究
An Inter-cultural Study of Chinese Ballet “ The Red Detachment of Women”博物館數位圖像授權之模式建構與開放式創新:國立歷史博物館之授權策略研究
Model Construction and Open Innovation of Digital Image Licensing in Museums: Case Study on Licensing Strategy of National Museum of History108年度
A Study on Representation of Homosexuality in Taiwan’s Newspapers本研究旨在探究臺灣的報紙新聞如何描述與再現同性戀,研究選取臺灣2000年到2016年與同性戀有關之報導,分析臺灣四大報《中國時報》
The aim of this study is to investigate how the media portray and represent homosexuality in Taiwan newspapers. The texts are homosexual
The Influence of Data Visualization of Financial Statements to Decision Making Capability of Executives in Printing Industry本研究主要以OODA循環理論、計畫行為理論及認知態度理論為研究基礎,探討資料視覺化圖表對於印刷企業管理者在決策行為上所產生的影響。以臺灣四家上櫃印刷公司所公開的財務
Utilizing the Observe-Orient-Decide-Act loop, Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), and Attitude Theory as basis, this research aims to explore the impact of data visualization
A Research on the Music Theater Elements of Director Claus Guth’s Created Version of Handel’s “Messiah” in 20092009年德國戲劇導演克勞斯.古斯與其團隊,與法國古樂指揮家斯比諾西通力合作韓德爾歌劇版的《彌賽亞》。古斯以戲劇的觀點出發
Director Guth tended to enrich the performance on the stage to enhance the depth of Handel’s Oratorio through the presentation
The yangqin is both an international and ethnic strike stringed instrument in Chinese musical instruments. Over the years, the yangqin instrument has evolved in a number of ways.
Cultural and Creative Manager and Management in the National Palace Museum文化創意經理人為實現博物館文化創意生產之成果,必須對無窮變化的創意生成過程加以管理,其專業性顯現於文創生產價值活動之中
With the development of cultural and creative industries, the practice of production in museums providing cultural products
A Study on Performing Arts Curriculum Integrated with Multimedia Resources in Junior High School:Taking the Creative Commercial Lesson as an Example本研究旨在探討運用多媒體資源,融入自編的創意廣告課程對學生表演藝術學習之成效,希望透過此課程使學生欣賞影音廣告的美感層面,分組合作與企劃
This study aimed to investigate students’ learning efficiency of performing arts through multimedia resources which were assimilated with
A New Model of Company Practices in Playback Theatre從過去一些痛苦的團隊團練經歷中,本論文研究首先開始關注於一人一故事劇場的團隊團練的實踐,特別是不成功的案例。另外,我一直記得研究者的研
From some painful experiences, the research would place more focuses on Playback Theatre (PT) company practices, especially unsuccessful cases. In addition
‘Gèn’ A Study and Experimental Design of Psychedelic Art in Animated Poster二十世紀六年代的社會如同每個世代,皆有當時所需面臨的議題與爭鬥,社會的種種弊端催生出激進改革的群眾
Every generation shares the same background and the social issues, and so does 1960s. Under the circumstances of the social revolutions, many
Image as Mental Projection Feng-Ming Chang’s Pictorial Creation從佛洛伊德的精神分析理論中得知,人自從出生開始就不斷從環境中接收各種訊息,而這些不斷累積的資訊造就了各自不同的所謂「人格」,因此,從「我的人格」
Man is the subject of artistic creation. The human sensory perception and the use of the body play an important role in artistic creation
國中生知覺父母教養方式、教師管教方式、 同儕關係品質與幸福感關係之研究
The Relationships among Parenting Style, Teacher Discipline, Peer Relationship Quality, and Well-Being in Junior High School Students近年來,大家常以幸福感來作為衡量人們的心理健康的標準,因為多有許研究指出幸福感程度較高...
Nowadays, physiological well-being is seen as a standard and used widely to evaluate the mental
A Study on the Development of the Seal Carving in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period研究並撰述一部臺灣篆刻發展史,是臺灣篆刻藝術發展的築基工作,「日治時期臺灣篆刻發展」是整部...
The research and compilation of a study on the history of Taiwan’s seal carving is the foundation
The research of the combined Chinese Characters Design近年亞洲地區經濟崛起,受到世界的關注,華文儼然成為與消費者溝通的第一線媒介,然而在華人...
The economic development in Asia was attract extensive attention worlwild.Due to the market
Studies on Taiwan Cinema Censorship and New Ratings System in the Era of Convergence臺灣電影分級制度在民國104年10月完成大幅度的法規修正與電影內容「去管制」的重大制度變革...
In Oct., 2015, substantial amendments and revolutionary “deregulation” of film content were completed for
The Influence of Internet Pornography Exposure on College Students’ Sexual Attitudes, Marital Attitudes and Intimate Trust.隨著網路和媒體所提供的資訊量暴增,也使得各種色情刺激內容急遽增加,而由於網路色情資訊在使用時...
With the increase in the amount of information provided by the Internet and the media, all kinds of
The Symbolic World of Codes in Memory comes from the Mind.A Discussion on Jia-Yin HSU’s Painting.本論文的主旨為,探究作品中的象徵符碼與深刻記憶之間的關聯性,並思索作者的個人生平背景...
The dissertation discusses the connection between symbolic codes and meaningful memory in my
The Qualia Experience Model of Tourism Factory觀光工廠是台灣傳統製造業尋求產業文化永續經營的策略選項,它藉由改善廠房空間與注入創意的...
Tourism Factory is a strategic project for Taiwan traditional manufacturing industry to seek sustainable
Educational Ideology and Inter-cultural Pedagogy: A Discourse Analysis of the本研究旨在探究《民族舞蹈》月刊(1958-1961)的「教育意識形態」與「跨文化舞蹈教材」之論述分析研究...
The study aims to conduct a discourse analysis of Minzu Wudao Yuekan (1958-1961), glossed
Performance and Interpretation of “Ariettes oubliées” byClaude Debussy本文選取德布西(Achille-Claude Debussy, 1862- 1918)在 1888 年所創作的藝術歌曲作品...
Ariettes oubliées (Forgotten Songs) is a song cycle for voice and piano written by Claude Debussy
The Medium Mechanism of Painting and Calligraphy Art Market——A Case Study of Rong Bao Zhai (1911-1937)1672年榮寶齋的前身松竹齋成立,供應科舉考試的試卷、官員給皇帝的奏折用紙。2017年12月,北京...
Rong Bao Zhai was established in 1672 under the name Song Zhu Zhai as a provider for the paper
Requirements of Leading Cloud Printing onto Me-commerce for Conventional Printing Enterprises雲端印刷(Cloud Printing)結合客製化商品服務(Me-Commerce)為目前世界數 位印刷的主流與趨勢...
Cloud Printing is leading the me-commerce revolution where customization is king
The Relationships among Participation in Artistic and Cultural Activities, Aesthetic Experiences, and Well-Being for University Students.本研究旨在探討不同背景變項之大學生,在藝文活動參與、美感經驗與幸福感之現況及相關...
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among artistic and cultural activities
This article will face "Confront Images: Questioning the Ends of A Certain History Of Art
A Study on Guo Xin-Lin Traditional Architecture Painting in Taiwan早期臺灣因地緣關係,多有中國閩粵沿海地區的漢人移民來臺,連帶著將其本身的生活習慣與文化帶入...
Because of the geopolitical location in early Taiwan, many Fujian (福建) and Guangdong (廣東) residents
Research on the Teaching and Learning of Using 3D Motion Capture Analysis on Chinese Opera Performance本論題研究的初創重要性,在傳統戲曲歷經中華文化八百多年的時代意義甚為重大,表演者...
The difference of performance movements are a frequent reality for training Chinese opera performers
The Analysis of Gender Representation on Taiwanese Newspapers本研究旨在探討臺灣平面新聞報導如何再現性別。首先以內容分析法檢視報導人物以及消息來源之性別出現頻率...
This study aims to discuss how Taiwanese print news represent the gender is-sue. First, content
Towards the Colonial History in Contact Zone:The Indigenous Citizenship in the National Museum Classification System在殖民與國族主義國家博物館知識分類體系中,原住民族公民身分主要面臨了二個問題:一是...
Under the national museum classification system of colonialism and nationalism, indigenous citizenship
A Study on the Crossover Performance : Songs of Railway隨著科技的進步與音樂載體的普及,民眾對於音樂會的參與程度已大不如前,如何抓住觀眾的心...
The explosive advances in technology and spreading popularity in media in recent years provide
A Study on Cinema Narrative in Middle-aged Father-son Relationship for the Creation of the 3D Animation “Bouncing Spores”本動畫創作聚焦於兒子與中年父親之間的親子關係,探討在守舊與創新的觀點差異,描述從衝突...
This animation focuses on the parent-child relationship between the son and the middle-aged father, which
The Literary Presentation of Pipa Pieces “Man Jiang Hong” and “Expression of the Pipa in Tang Poetry”研究者出於自身對文學和音樂的濃厚興趣,以「樂曲的文學描繪」作為論文主題,旨在闡發音樂如何描摹...
With a keen interest in literature and music, the researcher selected “literary presentation of music”
A Study on the stele calligraphy of Yuan Dynasty Gao Dao’s Gu Laozi元代高翿〈古老子〉碑刻,現存放於陝西省盩厔縣終南山古樓觀說經臺,以「古文」書寫《老子》五千餘言。本論文...
The inscription of “Gu Laozi” on a monument by Gao Dao in the Yuan Dynasty is now stored in the
Participation of Museum Visitors in a Digital Age: Case Studies of User-Generated Content隨著Web 2.0科技發展,人們有了創作內容的簡易工具,也能藉由網際網路將內容公開與眾人分享...
Digital technology has provided better tools and platforms for general public to contribute
A Study on the Correlations among the Role Stress, Social Support, and Well-being of Junior High School Teachers Serving as Administrative Staff in Taiwan本研究旨在探討國中兼任行政教師之角色壓力、社會支持與幸福感之關係,採用問卷調查法並以臺灣新...
The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation among the role stress, social support
Transferring the Representation of Reality through Archival Practice — The Works of She Wen-Ying從《羅密歐與茱麗葉》論寶塚歌劇團的表演型塑
The Formation of Performing Styles in Takarazuka Revue:A Case Study on日本寶塚歌劇團從一九一四年成軍以來,以「闔家歡樂」的高度娛樂性以及獨特的「男役」舞台美學...
Established in 1914, Takarazuka Revue has become a huge and multi-diversified commercial company
The Influences of Evaluation for Attractiveness to the Decision Model of Cultural Creative Curating設計插畫雜誌封面之視覺表現研究-以dpi雜誌為例
A Study of Visual Expressional Form on Design and Illustration Magazine Covers: The Case of dpi Magazines雜誌市場競爭激烈,在讀者對內文未知的情況下,封面幫助雜誌從同類型刊物中脫穎而出。封面將...
Magazine market is highly competitive. The cover is the best way to help magazines stand out from the...
The Effect of Human-Like on Emotional Contagion全球城市化導致人類負面情緒持續升溫且在無形中互相感染,常見精神疾病日益增加...
Global urbanization has led more and more people to suffer from negative emotions and this could
Media representations and Image of the aboriginal in Taiwan (1984 – 2014)從媒介建構社會真實和媒介刻板印象的觀點切入,分析臺灣報紙在1984年至2014年間再現原住民...
This master’s thesis analyzes Taiwan’s media reconstruct the image of the aboriginal, using
Application of Aboriginal Love Myths to Perfume Design香水具有散發芳香、喚起情感以及聯想場域氛圍的功能,尚可成為呈現文化特徵與內涵體驗的媒介...
Perfumes are featured by fragrances that can evoke feelings and create imaginative atmosphere. In addition
This research study takes a look into a phenomenon that has existed since the early development of film, that is
Research in Junior High School Students’ Learning Satisfaction and Flow Experience-Focusing on Performing Arts本研究旨在瞭解國中學生表演藝術課程學習滿意度與心流體驗之現況,及其相關性。研究者先...
The purpose of this research is to gain an insight into the relation between junior high school
The Human Objectification Permeating Through City Spaces—Study of Yan-Wei Tsai’s Art Works我們受身處的環境所影響,而在生活環境當中我們也創造了許多生活物件,這些物件似乎不僅只是「物」的存在...
We are affected by the environment where we live, and we also create many life objects, which are...
Humanity in Science Museums: A Case Study of Special Exhibitions in National Taiwan Science Education Center隨著科技發展的日新月異,人類生活對於科學研究與科技研發的依賴日益加深,同時,人們也比過去...
With the development of science and technology, the dependence of human life on scientific research
Scenes with Bones:“Imagery of Skull” Applied in the New Media Arts through the Digital Moving Image Creations「骷髏」作為一與人類社會發展緊密相連的視覺符號,隨著社會背景與文明發展的變化,發展出豐富...
As a visual symbol inseparable from human society, the form of “the image of a skull” has a history...
Color Planning in Animation ─ Comparison and Analysis of Color Planning in Blockbuster Animation of Films of US and Japan色彩是一部電影的核心之一,在動畫中色彩尤其重要,美麗的色彩引人入勝為觀眾創造一個夢幻的時空...
Color is one of the core part in a film, color is especially important in animation, beautiful colors
A Study of The Tune Rendering by Spectral Analysis: Take “The Sentiment of Wei Shui” And “Expressing Emotions in Qin Chuan” Played by Qu Wen Jun for Example筆者學琴的歷程中對於「韻」之一詞總覺得十分的抽象難懂,只能用體會、揣摩與領悟等方式學習,欠缺具體的...
When I learned the pipa, “the tune rendering” was a image very hard to understand and lack of a specific
Interpretation and Performance of Richard Strauss’s Lieder 《Vier Letze Lieder》理查・史特勞斯(Richard Strauss,1863-1949)是晚期浪漫樂派的重要音樂家之一,一生中所創兩百多首的藝術歌曲...
Richard Strauss(1863-1949)was an important post-romantic composer. He composed nearly 200 lieder
A Process Study on Lin Zhao-Ying’s Literati Painting and Common Customs from Qian-long to Chia-ching Period of Ching Dynasty in Taiwan.本博士論文,分緒論既研究方法和本文研究二部,第一部之緒論為研究動機目的、內容、重點和必要性...
This Ph.D dissertation can be divided into “introduction and research methodology” and...