

Research on the design mode of “Adult’s Taste” anime/ comic peripheral

  • 陳俊淵/ 博士生 / 2023
  • 創意產業設計研究所


The becoming and transformation of curatorial politics:From the 2-28 Incident to Queer Performativity

  • 彭康家 / 博士生 / 2023
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所博士班


Study on the Design Mode of Fashion Lacquer Products

  • 蕭雨濛 / 博士生 / 2023
  • 創意產業設計研究所博士班



Trash Media:Media Archaeology as an Method of New Media Art Practice

  • 于夢凡 / 博士生 / 2022
  • 當代視覺文化博士班


Internationalization Strategies and Dynamic Capabilities of Platform Companies - A Case Study of the Game Industry

  • 丁一凡 / 博士生 / 2022
  • 創意產業設計研究所博士班

兩岸中文歌劇對歷史題材的改編比較研究 ——以兩岸中文歌劇《西施》為例

A Comparative Study on The Adaptation of Historical Themes of Chinese Operas on Both Sides of The Strait——Take the Chinese opera Xi Shi as an example

  • 林吳峻民 / 博士生 / 2022
  • 跨域表演藝術所


Cultural Heritage Service Design and Experience Innovation under the COVID-19 Pandemic: A case study of Taiwan

  • 吳慧潔 / 博士生 / 2022
  • 創意產業設計研究所博士班


The History and Narrative Strategies of the Multi-Image Aesthetics in Film

  • 洪于茹/ 博士生 / 2022
  • 影音創作與數位媒體產業研究所博士班



Exploring the Social Innovation Factor of the Art-creation Painting Enterprises from the Perspective of Service-dominant Logic


The pursuit of efficiency in all kinds of things makes the life of the social community more and more compact. The level of stress on a daily basis in modern society is also getting higher and higher, and furthermore...

  • 林思瑤 / 博士生 / 2021
  • 創意產業設計研究所


Oral-history of Taiwan Contemporary Art Education


Through interviews with various Taiwanese contemporary art masters, this book provides an artistic ecology from different perspectives.

  • 王家男 / 博士生 / 2021
  • 當代視覺文化與實踐博士班


Research on Open Innovation Strategy of Digital Image Licensing in Museums

本研究旨在探究博物館 數位圖 像授權在臺灣之發展,探討博物館 的數位 圖像授權 系統 之 當前發展及其 實踐脈絡,進而瞭解博物館於此脈絡中所創造的價值、策略與潛力。

This research aims to explore the development of museum digital image licensing in Taiwan, and explore the current development, value, strategy and potential of practical context.

  • 王雅璇 / 博士生 / 2021
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所博士班

湯尼・奧斯勒(Tony Oursler)作品中「後台」的前移 ──以〈 LOCK2,4,6〉為例

Research of Tony Oursler’s Artworks Moved the Backstage forward: A case study of LOCK 2,4,6.

今年初甫於高雄市立美術館展出之美國錄像藝術家,湯尼・奧斯勒( Tony Oursler,以下簡稱奧斯勒)《黑盒幻魅於形-湯尼・奧斯勒 個展》,此展覽中,除了展示藝術家長期關注人類心理活動以及當代視覺文化下的流行圖像語彙,也展露出這些作品的「後台」,也就是毫不掩飾的投影機、線路等等作品必須具有的設備,但又不屬於觀看體驗一部分的物件。

At the beginning of this year, Black Box, was exhibited at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. In addition to showing the artist’s long-term attention to human psychological activities and popular image vocabulary under contemporary visual culture, it also reveals the "backstage" of these works. That is, the undisguised projectors, overt cables, and others. Such equipment that are necessary to present the work, but not a part of the viewing experience.

  • 李京樺 / 碩士生 / 2021
  • 當代視覺文化與實踐研究所



Visual data storytelling is a relatively new terminology that has emerged over the last decade. The use of information

  • 呂燕茹 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


According to the survey by Department of Information and Tourism,Taipei City Government, Dadaocheng has become the third most

  • 郭思伶 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


A Case Study of Applying ‘Black Humor’ to Ceramic Art Performance


The aim of this study is to explore a concept of “black humor” applying into art performance through a case study

  • 許美鈴 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


The Pilot Study of the Theater of the Bauhaus

包浩斯學校(The Bauhaus)成立後,為使學生跨領域學習,校長葛羅培斯(Walter Gropius)希望畫家莫斯卡・史萊莫

After the establishment of Bauhaus School, in order to enable students to study across fields, the principal

  • 丁怡文 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


Museum Immersion Interactive Design: Taking the Children Art Gallery Exhibition as an Εxample

藝術品是博物館的典藏,教育則是博物館的心臟。博物館的經營以3E:「教育、娛樂、充實」(Educate, Entertain, Enrich)為目的。1960年代

  • 張晴雯 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所

臺灣基督新教藝術家創作實踐之意義初探 —— 以安力·給怒「心樹·新靈」個展爲例

A Preliminary Study on the Meaning of the Creation Practice of Protestant Artists in Taiwan -- A Case Study of the Exhibition


There are a lot of Protestant art activities in Taiwan, but what is the meaning of the artwork

  • 陳曉春 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所


A Study of the Qualia Characteristics of Taiwanese Food


Food experience is crucial for international tourists to understand local cultures. Studies have revealed that qualia are critical for product design

  • 楊正翔 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


Research on the Utilization of Unconventional Materials in Fashion Styling

近年來,使用異材質作為形象設計整體造型已成為一種趨勢。基於「異化」(Alienation)和「審美體驗」(Aesthetic Experience)理論,本文探討了在時尚造型設計中以熱熔膠作為整體造型設計,非常規或另類

The use of unconventional materials as a fashion design has become a trend in recent year. Based on the “Alienation” [1] and “Aesthetic Experience” theories [2].

  • 鄭德輝 / 博士生 / 2020年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


We can often see a lot of art works set in our living environment, and the “Act on Setting of Public Art” has also been promulgated by government for more than 20 years.

  • 羅先福 / 博士生 / 2019年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


  • 倪建芝 / 博士生 / 2019年
  • 創意產業設計研究所


  • 柯秀雯 / 博士生 / 2019年
  • 藝術管理與文化政策研究所



A Study of the Systematic Curriculum for the Yangqin Beginner


The yangqin is both an international and ethnic strike stringed instrument in...

  • 葉姿君 / 碩士生 / 2018年
  • 中國音樂學系


Who Needs a Film Museum? --- The Cultural Governance and Exhibition Practice of the National Film Heritage in Taiwan


Both films and museums were introduced to Taiwan at the end of the 19th century. However, for many...

  • 林亮妏 / 博士生 / 2018年
  • 藝術管理與文化政策所

筆者為學齡前駐校藝術師,長期參與觀察主題教中的活動從 過往的教學與園所觀察經驗中發現:大多數幼兒...

  • 歐筱君 / 碩士生 / 2018年
  • 藝術與人文教學研究所


Interactive Exhibition and Visitor Behavior Intention -The Case Study of SOKA Culture Exhibitions

本研究探互動展示的觀眾參與經驗,應用總體學習成果模式(Generic Learning Outcomes, GLOs)理論...

This study explores the audience participation experience and applies the Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) theory...

  • 洪達媛 / 碩士生 / 2018年
  • 藝術管理與文化政策所