This research study takes a look into a phenomenon that has existed since the early development of film, that is the paradox of multiple textual variations of the same movie co-existing.
Beginning with the industry definition of “film textual variations”, this study uses the film “Blade Runner”, in which there are four variations: “The US theatrical version”, “The International Cut”, “The Ridley Scott-Approved Director's Cut” and the “Ridley Scott's Final cut”. Using "comparative research" as a research method and découpage as a research tool, this study provides a detailed description, interpretation, and juxtaposition of the textual variations and finds divergences between the different versions.
This study raises a few points, including finding the reason for the formulation of film textual variations-economical reasons, political and societal reasons, technical reasons, or due to the power struggle for freedom of expression between investors and authors. Through the discovery of the above reasons, it can be noted that those who have the right to expression within a movie mainly utilizes editing or computer digitalization techniques and tools to produce different variations. Most importantly, the majority of movie watchers and critics are generally not aware of the existence of different variations, taking the variation they have on hand and abiding to the restrictions on different views of each variation to conduct analysis and come to a conclusion. These conclusions transfer ideas and different perspectives onto readers.
In conclusion, with the present situation of film reviews and research, this study believes that the importance of looking into “film textual variations” is equivalent to the textual criticism in the world of literature; it is the fundamental basis of all research!
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