The Effect of Human-Like on Emotional Contagion
Global urbanization has led more and more people to suffer from negative emotions and this could imperceptibly infect others. Therefore, the number of cases of common mental illnesses continuously increase and the relationships between people are deteriorating. The purpose of this study is to probe how an interactive device with positive emotional “smile” affects emotional contagion and ameliorates human emotions. The main research problem: (1) Effect of changes when people faced the person they liked with smile on the emotional contagion condition, (2) Inner feelings from the person which easier to get emotional contagion when faced to the person they liked with smile, (3) Three kinds of smile and their effect on the emotional contagion. This research is based on some literature and previous research and on an interactive device with facial expression recognition system designed and developed during the research. In this study 35 samples have been gathered through interactive response and interviews and researched by using a narrative analysis method. The research shows: (1) Inner feelings are helpful when facing a person the subjects liked; (2) Susceptible to emotional contagion cannot be completely identified as a person easily to achieve emotional contagion; (3) The changes of facial expression in digital video cannot fully achieve the emotional contagion; (4) Unreal condition cause people easier to misjudge the content of the digital video, but most of the people could understand the content; (5) A digital video presenting “laugh” can achieve the best result in emotional contagion.
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