Media representations and Image of the aboriginal in Taiwan (1984 – 2014)
This master’s thesis analyzes Taiwan’s media reconstruct the image of the aboriginal, using research approach “content analysis” on four major newspapers - China Times, United Daily News, Liberty Times and Apple Daily. The period of research spans from 1984 to 2014.
The purpose of this study is comparing the content of the news coverage, to find out the differences among four newspapers and three decades. To understood the newspapers how to represent the aboriginal in amount of news, categories of news, news topic, news subjects, source, attitude, appellation, word-count and image.
The research discovered the news topic in four newspapers from 1984 to 2014; focus on aboriginal administration, social news and culture. Since 1994, the amount of education, introducing a character, tourism, film or entertainment and sports news are increases. Moreover, the Han people no longer monopolize the source, aboriginal have more change to speak in nearly a decade. And the reports always reproduce the aboriginal images about traditional, problems and family problems.
Apart from the statistical analysis, the study also discovered that the indigenous culture usually appeared in political news, especially the election and government events. Beside, aboriginal were tagged as criminal or social problems maker. And they were reproducing as disadvantages groups and low-income earners. Last but not least, the study discovered the aboriginal’s traditional dance and handicraft were become of goods to attract travelers.
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