Participation of Museum Visitors in a Digital Age: Case Studies of User-Generated Content
隨著Web 2.0科技發展,人們有了創作內容的簡易工具,也能藉由網際網路將內容公開與眾人分享。這些由非專業人士所創作的內容稱為「使用者自製內容」(User Generated Content, UGC)。本研究以博物館脈絡下的「使用者自製內容」(UGC)為主要關懷,意指發生於具博物館實踐精神的網際網路「平台」上,由「使用者」所創造,具博物館實踐精神之創意付出及意義建構的「內容」。研究主要回覆三個問題:一是UGC推動力為何?博物館推動UGC的理論基礎何在?其次為臺灣博物館應用UGC之情況;最後探討博物館應用UGC之策略及其影響。
Digital technology has provided better tools and platforms for general public to contribute their creativities. People use ‘user-generated content’ (UGC) to express their viewpoints about the world, and gradually transform themselves from passive receivers to active participants. This dissertation aims to discuss UGC within the museum context. Adopting OECD’s definition and museum theories, UGC is defined as: i) content which is made through museum practice and publicly available over the Internet, ii) content which reflects a meaning-making or creative effort, and iii) content which is created outside of professional routines. On the basis of this definition, questions addressed include: What are key drivers of UGC? What theories support museums adopting UGC? Are there UGC strategies for museums? What are its associated impacts?
Case studies through participant observation and interviews were conducted as research methods. Cases were chosen to demonstrate the implementation of UGC in different contexts through museum practice. Four Taiwan-based cases were examined in the contexts of the art museum, the science museum, the university class, and finally the website initiated by the national programme. In addition, cases of museums from the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia are discussed for better understanding of UGC.
In this dissertation, for the first time, application strategies of UGC in museums are proposed, including timing, subjects, media forms, and three participatory models. Findings suggest that UGC facilitate museums in creating relevant experiences for their users in a meaningful manner. Furthermore, by incorporating UGC as part of museum practice, museums are transformed into a forum, and visitors become‘users’ and ‘active participants’. Raymond Williams noted, ‘the people who really matter, in any culture, are the active contributors.’ We believe that it is the transition period for museums to embrace UGC in this increasingly transparent and digital world.
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