This article will face "Confront Images: Questioning the Ends of A Certain History Of Art" by Georges Didi-Huberman as main text, to study his Post-structuralism methodology in the wave of New Art History. Focusing on third chapter "The History of Art Within the Limits of Its Simple Reason" and fourth chapter "The Image as Rend and the Death of God Incarnate" of the text to analysis the methods he diagnosis History of Arts—“humanism”, “Iconographism”, “idealism”, “Schematism”, and the find the methods—“the death”, “the Incarnation”, “the symptom”, “the rend”—to re-build History of Arts and Iconography.
This article will show that Didi-Huberman, with a critical gaze, facing the History of Arts from Renaissance contains the characteristics of humanism. Analyzes the structural problems of humanism in the field of History of Arts, and the limitations of Iconography with humanistic thought. Then, he use Metapsychology system to re-face the History of Arts, using Sigmund Freud's Psychoanalysis method to replace Erwin Panofsky's Iconography method. And finally put forward a new Iconology different from Panofsky. This special method of facing images will let us to find the new model of History of Arts that Didi-Huberman intended to create.
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