A Study on Cinema Narrative in Middle-aged Father-son Relationship for the Creation of the 3D Animation “Bouncing Spores”
This animation focuses on the parent-child relationship between the son and the middle-aged father, which explores the differences between the old-fashioned and the innovative, and describes the emotional changes from conflict, communication to acceptance. In the thesis, I first explore the practice and connotation of fatherhood. Furthermore, I divide these fatherhood conditions into three parts, which are educational, functional and emotional. In addition, compare the differences between father and son's expectation of fatherhood, and take the generation transition period in the evolution of parent-child relationship as the creative points. Then, by exploring the three films that related to the middle-aged father-son relationship, this paper also analyzes the plot narrative style and techniques with the beat sheet, which coined by Blake Snyder, and observes the comparison of the transition period between father and son in the movie. Throughout the whole changing process between Father and son, we obtain the relationship state changing from rare intersection, and then gradually through many contacts to achieve the improvement in the end. By acquiring these conclusions, I could apply the concepts to benefit my story and to strength the narrative structure of the animation creation.
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