Requirements of Leading Cloud Printing onto Me-commerce for Conventional Printing Enterprises
雲端印刷(Cloud Printing)結合客製化商品服務(Me-Commerce)為目前世界數 位印刷的主流與趨勢。客製化商品雲端印刷已經在美國發展至成熟階段,近幾年在中 國發展也非常迅速。在紙本需求降低及環保議題興起之下,傳統業者必須面臨轉型或 在營運上做出適宜的改變。相對在其他歐美國家在雲端印刷客製化商品服務發展至盛 行率及完備程度,臺灣目前利用網路進行相關業務的印刷廠商仍以平版合版印刷為主, 大多皆採取傳統的業務形式。另外,歐美地區部分客製化商品服務網站除了提供最基 礎的線上編輯器之外,也提供寄售設計品的平臺,甚至廣告及行銷服務。臺灣印刷業 者也必須對此一變革做好相對應且慎密的營運規劃,瞭解其中的發展之完整度及需求 度。本研究的目的為:一、探討國內外目前客製化印刷商品網站的現況;二、探討台 灣印刷產業發展雲端客製化印刷之現況瞭解;三、 探討印刷產業建置客製化商品印 刷平臺之需求;四、針對未來雲端印刷及客製化商品平臺架構與發展方向,整理規劃 符合臺灣傳統印刷業者的需求並提供建議。本研究藉由內容分析法、專家訪談法及問 卷調查法探究傳統印刷導入雲端印刷客製化商品之需求與必要性。透過內容分析法去 瞭解其他國家的網站運作模式,並從中設計問卷。透過問卷調查法,針對台灣印刷企 業做調查,並整理出傳統印刷產業建置客製化雲端印刷平臺之需求。同時也針對此領 域之專家做訪談,預計訪談十二位的專家,並將其結果歸納整合至結論中。本研究結 果發現:一、目前已有平臺的業者對於建製客制化雲端印刷平臺的完整度相對於沒有 的業者來的高;二、未來有計劃發展雲端印刷平臺的公司在資訊流的現況完整度跟暫 無意願者來的高;三、不同的印刷生產方式在行銷與管理上有差異;四、公司成立年 數在網站項目中所提供的印刷項目有差異;五、不同的資本額對於線上編輯器的需求 度也有差異。本研究希望能夠對於有興趣建製客制化雲端印刷平臺的企業有所幫助, 以利傳統印刷業者能作為轉型的依據,符合國家推動產業 E 化的期待及全球所關注的 環保議題,更能降低消費者使用印刷服務的門檻,達成三贏的局面。
Cloud Printing is leading the me-commerce revolution where customization is king. Print-on-demand service is now in a mature state. A widely definition of Web-to-Print is commercial activities for trading of printing products/services through the internet. However, cloud printing is not popular in Taiwan and is still in the stage of development. Comparing to the printers in the U.S. or European countries, these printers in Taiwan seem not so active in the development of Web-to-Print. Most printing enterprises in Taiwan use offset gang-run printing, still more use traditional methods, while in America and Europe, online editing service is included as part of print-on-demand series and consignment service is supplied online. Print-on-demand service has seen enormous business growth over the past 5 years in China. It is necessary to plan according to the impact of providing cloud printing development on me-commerce. To understand the needs, key elements, criteria, and necessity of a profitable customized W2P platform, this research conducted content analyses on major successful W2P service websites in North America, European, China, and Taiwan. To explore how Taiwanese printers view the must-have requirements and might-have obstacles, to understand the bottlenecks and difficulties encountered, and to comprehend the web structure and important functional items in the process of establishing, implementing, and maintaining a customized W2P platform, the study carried out twelve in-depth interviews of experienced printers of Taiwan. In addition to qualitative approaches, a questionnaire survey on printers in Taiwan was conducted to fulfill the objectives of the study. This study expects to explore ways traditional printing companies want to lead in Cloud Printing in the me-commerce market. They need to build electronic commerce system, market tactuis, manage information, develop system information-retrieval and automatic computation, and ensure the channels of administration, technique of printing, financial condition. This study hopes to elevate competitive power of Taiwan’s printing enterprise and provide knowledge about cloud printing applications in the me-commerce market. Application cloud printing on me-commerce will satisfy the requirement of Taiwan’s green policy and fit the topic of environmental protection. Printing will become easier to consumer who can design new and order their own printing products through the cloud printing me-commerce service.
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