The Analysis of Gender Representation on Taiwanese Newspapers
This study aims to discuss how Taiwanese print news represent the gender is-sue. First, content analysis is employed to examine the frequency of the figure and source’s gender occurrence. Then, they will be cross analyzed with variables such as the news topic, length of coverage, character functions, career, marriage, relationship status and outer appearance. Finally, combined with the quantitative results of outer appearance and characteristics, context analysis is applied in order to explore how the news describes the images of different genders. The study result shows that male characters’ importance and visibility are greater than the female characters, and there is considerable disparity in the ratio of gender in hard news and larger articles. When it comes to the images, the analysis result indicates that the borderline of tra-ditional gender characteristics is getting vague in nowadays. The news also tries to break the traditional gender frame, but there is still some biases in the coverage when mention femininity about male. Besides, female’s outer appearance, age, mar-riage status are usually highlighted in the news report whereas male’s financial status receives more attention. This suggests that the images of male and female are all lim-ited to certain social frame and values.
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