The Qualia Experience Model of Tourism Factory
Tourism Factory is a strategic project for Taiwan traditional manufacturing industry to seek sustainable development by changing the plant space and increasing the experience service to enhance the customer satisfaction. It not only revitalizes the organization and job creation but also revitalizes the local economy. In addition, it’s also a commercial approach with social value that utilizes profit and responds to social and economic problems. This paper is a case study using the "The Qualia Experiences Model" theory from the perspective of social design, focusing on the maternity garment factory which is transformed into a tourism factory and contains the business philosophy of life education, craft heritage and maternal and child care. This research also tries to establish the social design-oriented tourism factory design as an integrated operation framework.
In addition, This study has two other subjects, one is the design of a pregnancy simulation dress, and the other is the service design and questionnaire assessment for visitors to wear the pregnancy simulation dress in a tourism factory. The core issues of this study are people-oriented social design and experiential value. The case study approach is adopted and an experiential product simulating pregnancy is provided in the setting of a tourism factory. The setting, products and experience are observed as a whole, and the research perspective is based on the transformation process of emotional design and cultural design, which is the basis for deconstructing the design of the pregnancy simulation dress. A service blueprint is used to examine the case’s experiential service design, which is used as an example of experience planning that applies social design to commercial services.
In conclusion, the study found that there are others features after the transformation of the case company, customer diversification, garment technology training, industry influence and environmental education. Research conclusions summarize and analyze design, marketing, service, and management aspects, hoping to further extend the social value of enterprises and social education work. This study attempts to develop a way for social responsibility and business interests to co-exist through social design and service design, in hopes of creating a business model that also gives consideration to social value.
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