The Influence of Internet Pornography Exposure on College Students’ Sexual Attitudes, Marital Attitudes and Intimate Trust.
With the increase in the amount of information provided by the Internet and the media, all kinds of sexually stimulating content are also increasing rapidly. Due to the privacy, anonymity, and convenience of access to online pornography, it can easily lead audiences to biased sexual attitudes, sexual attitudes, and even intimacy with partner.This research used qualitative orientation of questionnaire survey and in-depth interview method to analysis the impact of exposure to online pornographic media on sexual attitudes, matrimonial attitudes and intimacy relationships. Also, this research started from audiences’ point of view, and based on social learning theory and cultivation theory.
This study found that the longer time spent on watching online pornography, the more fun and plentiful relationship experiences, the more open sexual attitude about college students. Especially, male college students will watch sexual content longer than girls, they are also more inclined to view oral sex and anal intercourse. In addition, the sex education curriculum taught by the school will also affect the college students’ trust in their intimate relationships. Even though watching Internet pornographic media has a negative impact on university students more than positive, it will not affect college students' views and expectations on future marital relations. Although we are no longer framed by the traditional gender roles as the times change, for most female college students, the social perception still affects how they dare not express their true thoughts about sex, resulting in many people still unable to talk generously with others about this issue.
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