Performance and Interpretation of “Ariettes oubliées” byClaude Debussy
本文選取德布西(Achille-Claude Debussy, 1862- 1918)在 1888 年所創作的藝術歌曲作品:《被遺忘的小詠嘆調》(Ariettes oubliées),探討德布西在作品中,如何利用演唱者的音高、強弱等不同的手法、營造音樂與歌詞的連結性。採用象徵主義詩人魏爾倫(Paul Verlaine, 1844- 1896)的詩,魏爾倫在此詩作中,藉由暗喻的手法,來描繪詩人本身內心真正的憂傷情感。德布西也巧妙的使用鋼琴和聲變化以及變化莫測的調性方式,讓詩詞的意境在氛圍之中作表達,而在這作品中,詩作與音樂相輔相成的聲響詮釋效果,十分感人。
本文將分作四個章節探討:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、研究目的及研究方法;第二章說明音樂創作背景,概述德布西生平,與魏爾崙生平、詩作風格, 並探討兩人之間的關係;第三章為《被遺忘的小詠嘆調》的詮釋,六首歌分為六節做探討,包含詩文分析,樂曲結構與演唱詮釋;樂曲上的演唱與詮釋;第四章綜合上述所述之結論。
Ariettes oubliées (Forgotten Songs) is a song cycle for voice and piano written by Claude Debussy (1962 – 1918) in 1888. It is based on poems by French symbolist poet, Paul Verlaine (1844 – 1896). The texts rather evoke than to describe the sorrowful emotions of Verlaine, while the music creates a corresponding atmosphere with its harmonies and tonalities. This thesis aimed to study the uses of pitches and dynamics of the human voice in order to connect texts with music in the songs.
There are four chapters. Chapter one introduces the aim and methods of the study, chapter two provides compositional background of the piece, including biographies of Claude Debussy and Paul Verlaine, as well as the relationship between them. The third chapter presents some interpretative ideas of Ariettes oubliées, which based on studies of the original poems and the musical structures. The last chapter summarizes the whole study.
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