英語文之學習遷移、害怕失敗、遲滯拖延和自我效能: 我們可否在藝術相關科系學生中找到證據嗎?





本計劃之目的在於探討藝術相關科系學生學習遷移的潛力,以及害怕失敗、遲滯拖延和自我效能對學習英語文的關係與影響。學習遷移已經研究超過一百年以上,它是一個非常重要但是卻是一個難以找出答案的議題,最主要的困難有三:第一、遷移的程度是相對性的,實驗組如何表現的比對照組還好呢?第二、什麼樣的遷移行為該被衡量?幾乎沒有一種評量方法可以適用所有例子,第三、在做學習遷移實驗時,實驗組和對照組的行為表現其信度和效度難以衡量(Cormier & Hagman, 2014)。這樣聽起來,能夠找到學習遷移的證據機會是很小的,但是 Baum, Owen, 和 Oreck (1997)發現藝術和學生的課業表現是有關連的。Catterall (2002)亦發現透過音樂可以促進認知發展,戲劇可以幫助英文閱讀能力,視覺藝術可以幫助問題解決能力,以及舞蹈可以培養學生持續力。Gardner (1999)指出在藝術領域裡所學到的技巧可以幫助學生了解其他的學習活動,而且可以轉移學生的自信心到其他學科上面,基於此理由,本研究之目的即在探討藝術的潛力和學習英文的關係。除了學習遷移以外,我們也將探討害怕失敗、遲滯拖延和自我效能對學生學習英文的影響,大家對藝術相關科系學生普遍的刻板印象就是在學科上尤其是英文,表現不是很好,學生是因為語言能力的問題嗎?還是他們害怕在英文考試中失敗或是課堂上表現不佳?還是他們寧願花時間在自己的專業領域上面,所以他們能總是找到原因來拖延學習英文呢?根據研究者多年的教學經驗,有些學習藝術的學生在專業領域和英語文能力都是非常傑出的,本研究之目的試圖找出為什麼有些學生在專業和英語文能力都非常傑出,藉此找出方法幫助其他英語文能力不好的學生。本研究分為研究一、我們將探討藝術相關科系學生在其專業和學習英文之間的學習遷移,研究二、害怕失敗、遲滯拖延和自我效能對學生英語文能力的關係和影響。 本研究之實驗參與者約為五百零一位藝術相關科系學生。研究工具為三: (一)實驗參與者每學期皆會接受線上全民英檢施測,成績一方面做為學生對自我英語能力的了解,也做為老師備課時的參考,在本計劃中將做為檢視英語文學習之用。(二)問卷:分為五個部份:第一 部分為學生之基本資料、第二部分為學習遷移,問題的內容是採自 Jame’s 的研究。第三部分為 Conroy 的「害怕失敗量表」,第四部份為 Solomon 和 Rothblum 的「學習遲滯拖延量表」, 第五部分為Pintrich和DeGroot 的「自我效能量表」。。實驗結果顯示學習轉移理論中擁抱策略和搭橋策略與學生的英文程度都有顯著性的相關。迴歸分析也顯示擁抱策略像是設定期待值、相配、刺激、示範和解決問題的學習方法都是正向的預估值。從結構方程式來看,害怕失敗和學習遲滯拖延在學生的自我效能和英文能力,具有中介效果。


The purpose of the project was to examine the potential of transfer of learning for arts students and the relationships among students’ fear of failure, procrastination, and self-efficacy with learning English. Transfer of learning is an important but hard-to-solve problem. Three major difficulties are attributed to it: the degree of transfer is normally defined in relative terms, the kinds of performances are measured, and the reliability and validity of experimental and control-group performance. It may sound gloomy that the chance of finding evidence regarding transfer of learning is slim. However, Gardner (1999) points out that certain kinds of learning in the arts are possibly spilling over. He said that skill and craft gained in the arts help students understand that they can improve in other consequential activities and that the arts hold no monopoly on creating transferable feelings of self-confidence. Therefore, this study delved into the potentials of the arts and its relationship with learning English. Aside from transfer of learning, we also explore the influences of fear of failure, procrastination, and self-efficacy on learning English. Is it because of language problems or their fear of failing in the English tests, or is it their classes that are holding them back? Two studies were included: In study 1, we investigated the issue of transfer of learning for arts students between their professions and English. In study 2, we investigated the influences of fear of failure, procrastination, and self-efficacy on students’ English proficiency levels. A SEM was implemented to examine whether or not fear of failure and procrastination play mediating factors between students’ self-efficacy and their English proficiency levels. The participants were 501 arts majors. The research tools included an online GEPT test and a questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of five parts. Part I recorded students’ demographic information. Part II was transfer of learning. The question items were adopted from James’ study (2006). Part III was a short form of Conroy’s User’s Manual of Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory (PFAI) in 2002. The fourth part was Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students (PASS) developed by Solomon and Rothblum (1984). Nine items for taking an exam and 10 items of writing for term papers or assignments are chosen. Part V dealt with students’ self-efficacy and it includes nine items from the Pintrich and De Groot (1990) Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaires (MSLQ). After participants had completed the questionnaires, the data was processed using a stepwise regression model, a t-test, a correlational test, and a SEM model. The results show both the hugging and bridging strategies were significantly correlated with students’ English achievement. A stepwise regression analysis revealed that hugging strategies, such as setting expectations, matching, stimulating, modeling, and problem-based learning, were positive predictors. From the SEM, both fear of failure and procrastination played mediating roles between students’ self-efficacy and English achievement. The study provided insight into the influence of fear of failure and the reasons why students procrastinated in studying English and difficulties encountered, tailored to the specific needs for arts students.