



中文關鍵字: 對稱; 造形; 輪廓; 生理訊號




Previous studies have presented people prefer an object composed of curved contour or symmetry much than which with angular contours or asymmetry are associated with unsafe. By using symmetrical graphics with variable contours including three levels: curved, mix and angled as stimuli, we recorded physiological recordings of ECG GSR and FT, combining with Likert scale surveying, to observe possible interactions between graphical symmetry and physiological signals. Integrated five variables showed that the level of scale, curved contours make people feel pleasure and safe, angular contours make people feel less pleasure, mixed contour make people feel less safe. No significant difference in physiological signals with all symmetry and variable of contours. But as the each data of every graphic, we generalize that the elements being connected with fear physiological signals are asymmetrical and angled elements.