




模內轉印在部分條件上都有所限制,像是彎曲度受限、只能模內轉印在塑膠件上、模具費用高以及不利少量生產等條件,相較之下模外轉印能轉印在塑膠或金屬、轉印過程準確對位、優良率高,但模外轉印(OMR)並不是取代模內轉印(IMR)製程,而是延續IMR製程的精神,多了新製程的選擇,使產品外觀設計更能彈性應用、發展出經濟與環保的產品。目前的市場趨勢越趨傾向開發個性化市場,因此本研究欲以數位噴墨印刷,應用其輸出列印不需製版、節省製程成本、時效縮短、同時圖文影像精細且又能創造個性化塗裝效果等特點,計畫將數位噴墨印刷結合模外轉印塗裝技術,經由國科會上期研究計劃可行性的實驗,能更進一步探討本實驗。為更深入的研究數位噴墨印刷應用於模外轉印製程,根據前2年度模內轉印可行性實驗的結果,以探討本研究模外轉印(一)噴墨印刷PET不同塗布薄膜印刷品質色彩特性(二)不同的印刷變項(覆蓋率、噴印次數、解析度等)(三)轉印後的色彩品質特性,透過嚴謹的實驗流程並量化的實驗量測與綜合分析,歸納出最適合的數位噴墨印刷方式以及轉印後最佳品質特性組合。 經研究分析可得如下結論:模外轉印當覆蓋率愈高,噴印次數愈低時,其滿版濃度愈高;在模外轉印至ABS材料後,其滿版濃度值均較轉印前高;覆蓋率越高,階調擴增值越大,轉印後四色階調擴增均為正值;轉印後印刷對比表現優異;轉印後色域在橙色與青色變化較大;經由本研究可得到原稿至成品間所呈現的色彩對應關係;以建立模外轉印個性化塗裝服務流程,提升國內數位噴墨印刷與模外轉印技術應用範圍提高其產品附加價值;更提供研究成果回饋產、官、學、研界,為產業帶來新契機。


Outside Mold Roller (OMR) is a revolutionary printing process by which objects are 3-dimensionally decorated. The products decorated by Outside Mold Roller are protected from water and fading. What’s more, these kinds of decorations strongly increase the beauty, desirability and value of the objects. Outside Mold Roller is now using Gravure Printing and Screen Printing to print PET film, however, there are still some problems with these two technologies. For example, the process of Gravure Printing is more complex and expensive. Screen Printing is cheaper but the process is also complex. These two forms of printing are both unable to create personalized press work, while Digital Inkjet Printing can. Therefore, this research is to investigate the potential use of combining Outside Mold Roller and Inkjet Printer in 3-dimensional decoration. The independent variables are inkjet printer dot per inch (720dpi and 1440dpi), pass (8pass, 16 pass, 32 pass) and coverage (100% and 120%), then printed to the substrates. In each combination, 200 samples will be selected to transfer printed products which will be examined for print quality attributes (color difference, SID, TVI and PC) of the Outside Mold Roller to find out the best composition of color and the best print quality. This study is a true experimental research. Study results found that when the higher coverage and the lower pass of inkjet printing, the SIDs will become higher as well. When transferred to ABS, SIDs in each combination will increase. The higher coverage printed, the higher TVI. After transferred into print contrast, each combination of PC is great. When transferred to ABS, color variances of each combination are different from orange and cyan color. The relationship of tone reproduction curve from original to ABS can be found and created. Additionally, this study is expected to develop personalized printing service, broaden the usage of Digital Printing, Inkjet Printer and Outside Mold Roller technology and be beneficial to those industry managers, government officers, and academics of the related field.