




中華民國人因工程學會自1993年成立迄今已快屆滿二十周年,這些年來國內人因工程相關研究的議題演變,以及與國際間研究趨勢的相關性,即為本計畫主要的研究目的。本研究蒐集了113位學會永久會員,共2,584篇的期刊論文清單,初步分析後發現論文發表總數前三名的國內外期刊分別為工業工程學刊、勞工安全衛生研究季刊、人因工程學刊、International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics、Perceptual and Motor Skills、Applied Ergonomics等六種。接著以19項主題與五個時期(1992年以前、1993~1997年、1998~2002年、2003~2007年、2007~2012年)分析每一篇論文,結果與人因工程較為相關的論文數只有1,451篇(56%),篇數最多的主題是「產品或場所之評估與設計類」,但整體排名為第五(前四名為醫學或復健類、設計理論與方法類、生管或品管類、其他類)。進一步針對人因工程相關論文在各時期發表的情形來分析,結果發現從1993年開始,每五年以均100篇的速度在增加,其中論文篇數呈現正成長的主題有「人機介面」、「職業安全與衛生」、「特定職場之研究」、「特定族群之研究」、「系統建置與評估」、「駕駛作業」、「巨觀人因」等七項,但「人因理論」與「檢驗作業」二項主題的論文篇數呈現負成長。論文主題從早期的人因工程評估方法等基礎研究,後來偏重於職業安全與衛生,以及近年的人機介面,這每個主題均與國際間的熱門議題具有高度關聯性。未來,本國人因工程建議可多著力於認知人因工程(縮短服務業從業人員能力與工作需求之間的差距)、組織人因工程(協助企業得以快速調整組織來因應市場需求)以及保健(人口老化的影響)等相關議題上,以期人因工程能夠持續在國內各行各業中發揚與光大。


The Ergonomics Society of Taiwan will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2013. The study looked into the development of Ergonomics in Taiwan by analyzing 1,404 papers published by 113 lifetime members of the Ergonomics Society of Taiwan. The authors examined each essay by key words and context of abstracts and coded along period of publication (1971-1992(1st Period), 1993-1997(2nd Period), 1998-2002(3rd Period), 2003-2007(4th Period), and 2008-2012(5th Period)), and 13 topic categories. The results show that the publication has an increase of about 100 essays every five years since 1993. The most popular topic was Ergonomic Assessment and Analysis Techniques in 1st Period, Force Exertion Related Research in 2nd Period, Product Design and Evaluation in 3rd Period, Occupational Safety and Health in 4th Period, and Human-Computer Interface in 5th Period. Moreover, the numbers of essay about Occupational Safety and Health, and Human-Computer Interface, Specific Workplace Related Research, Specific User Group Research, System Development and Evaluation, Driving Related Research, and Micro-ergonomics were increased period by period. However, the quantity of essays about Ergonomics Theory and Inspection Related Research were decreased. The results of this study will help to predict the future direction of Taiwan ergonomic research effort for the next 20 years.