




釉藥是覆蓋在陶瓷器表面的一層玻璃質膜,更給人印象深刻的色彩、光澤等視覺表現能力。釉藥是由無機物所構成的非結晶性固態玻璃質,其原子間結構不具有一致性的排列方式,因而強烈受到燒成的溫度、氣氛,以及燒製過程的差異影響,而產生種種變幻莫測的效果。雖然充滿了擾人的變數,但也提供了更多藝術表現的可能性。 影響釉藥特性的最主要因素仍然是化學組成之成分及比例。現代釉藥研究多使用H.A. Seger 博士所發展出來的公式──塞格式,藉以記錄其化學組成並作為探討釉藥性質的基礎。不過塞格式是以化學氧化物為組成元素,必需透過計算轉換為原料配方才能實際應用。陶瓷原料多為天然礦物,因產地或開採層位的不同而有差異;原料的不穩定特徵,給陶瓷製造業帶來了莫大的困擾。 筆者之前從事水庫淤泥作為陶藝釉藥的研究工作,曾經成功地透過塞格式資料將古代釉藥複製出來,但也不乏失敗的案例。此外,因為不同批次所獲得的淤泥成分有差異,故也嘗試透過塞格式之計算來轉換為新的配方。結果顯示,在相同的燒成條件下卻得到外觀截然不同的效果。是成分數據掌握不夠精確的問題,亦或是原料差異所產生的影響?將是本研究探討的重點。最後,也希望能找到一個有效的方式來解決原料的替換問題。 本研究之成果顯示,釉藥的「塞格式」組成數據確實能提供計算上最有利的運算基礎。透過合理及精確的數據運算,以及合宜的實驗過程,確實能以最精簡的手段得到釉藥原料的替換配方。以下是執行時應該注意的重點: 1. 本方案之執行必須先取得各原料之化學組成的精準數據。 2. 實施Excel「規劃求解」的優化運算時,建議以「目標與配方之莫耳差的絕對值」之和的最小值作為「目標函數」。 3. 「SiO2 /Al2O3」及「RO/(RO+R2O) 」的比值可以作為約束條件,其值分別為0.1及0.01以內,在「規劃求解」的運算上也多能達成這一條件。 4. 應避免用「全部原料塞格式替換」的方案,而應以「局部或單一原料塞格式替換」的方式來執行,以避免受到原料之結構因素的影響。此一方式的「目標函數」儘可能要求在0.7以內。 5. 在新、舊原料交替的過渡階段,可以使用「局部比例替換」方案,但應透過實驗確認其比例與效果。


Glaze as glass membrane that is covered on potteries. Glaze visually attracts people by bringing color and bright together. A glaze is a non-crystallized glass that is constructed by inorganic matters. The structure of atom is not arranged in consistently. It is affected by different temperatures, atmospheres, and firing processes, then comes out unexpected results. Although glaze experiments have many unexpected factors, it brings more possibilities in artistic expressions. The characteristics of glaze are mainly affected by composition and proportion of chemistry. Currently many researches of pottery glaze are developed from H.A. Seger’s idea which is called Seger formula. It is a series of empirical rules put forward by the H.A. Seger for the prevention of crazing and peeling. The formula takes down composition of chemistry and becomes a foundation in glaze research. The chemistry oxides are components of Seger formula. Chemistry components have to be converted to raw materials through calculation before using practically. Ceramics materials usually come from mineral substances. Different places give different qualities. These instable qualities always bring numerous troubles into ceramics industries. I was engaging in a research project which exams ceramics glaze from reservoir silt. Although I successfully found ancient glazes through using Seger formula, there were many failed examples. Besides, I tried using Seger formula to transfer to another formula in order to find out new components, because of different qualities of reservoir silt. It shows completely different results, but they were in the same firing conditions. No matter calculation problems or component differences, it becomes the key point of this research. In the end, I also expect to find an effective way to solve problems of material replacement. The results of this study show that the composition data of Seger formula can indeed provide the basis to calculate the most favorable operation. Through reasonable and accurate data operations, and appropriate experimental process, can really get the most streamlined means to replace ingredients in glaze recipe.