



中文關鍵字: 時尚工藝; 美學; 風格分析


本研究以學術應用與文化傳佈之角度出發,探索台灣時尚工藝之美學價值。藉由「台灣工藝競賽」首獎作品以及「工藝時尚Yii」計畫之經典作品進行風格分析,結合質性研究對工藝品在藝術本質與文化意涵等層面的探索,並透過學者專家對於工藝品實證觀察所得的量化資料,分析時尚工藝經典作品之風格形式,建構台灣時尚工藝美學評析的理論架構。 在作品的質性分析部分,為建立作品評論之基礎資料,本研究針對工藝家以及設計師進行訪談。為台灣近代工藝尋求完整之文化意涵與美學價值。在作品的量化分析部分,首先運用多向度多元尺度分析法(MDS),以自編之量表進行作品之風格意象調查。再運用Amabile所發展的藝術領域共識評量技術(CAT)量表,檢視作品在創意、技術,以及美感三個向度的表現。最後再以多元迴歸分析,探討三個向度對於形塑作品風格類型的影響。 結合量化研究與質性分析,本研究企圖為工藝美學建立可行之分析評論模式,藉由時尚工藝美學評析的理論架構之建立,可提供作為台灣現代工藝設計應用的基礎,促進國內工藝創作與相關設計產業的水準。並針對台灣近幾年工藝設計之發展,建立與社會脈動緊密相聯之美學典範,進一步深化台灣文化創意產業政策之社會功能,達到提升台灣時尚工藝美學價值,促進全民美學素養的目的。


Based on the perspective of academic application and cultural dissemination, this study intends to explore the aesthetic value of Taiwan modern crafts. Through an approach of style analysis, this study examines the works selected from Taiwan Crafts Competition Award and Modern Crafts Yii Project. Both qualitative and quantitative methods is employed to explore the artistic essence and cultural reference of the creations. The study places the works in stylistic context to establish a theoretical framework of aesthetic analysis and criticism of Taiwanese modern crafts. Interviews with craft masters and designers is arranged in order to collect the data required for criticism. Aesthetic value connecting to Taiwanese social context will be summarized based on the cultural implication derived from the analysis in this study. A questionnaire is developed to obtain information required for style analysis. The data is analyzed using “Multidimensional Scaling” (MDS). The Consensus Assessment Technique (CAT) is also employed in this study. A CAT questionnaire developed by Amabile is used to examine the performance of the works in three difference dimensions of creativity, technical goodness, and aesthetic appeal. Finally, a statistic technique of Multiple Regression Analysis will be employed to explore the significance of these three factors in each style of the works. Through quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study intends to construct an accessible criticism model of modern crafts design. The framework provides a foundation for design industries to establish design strategies. An aesthetic paragon connecting to Taiwanese social context i addressed based on the development of crafts design. The output of the study promotes aesthetic valsue of Taiwanese modern crafts, enhances aesthetic literacy of the people, and fulfills a social function of the policy developing cultural and creative industries.