




漢字是先人造形智慧的結晶,和設計創意有許多相呼應的地方,也包含許 多的文化意涵在其中。因此,如果能妥善運用,必能從全球化的文化創意 產業浪潮中,營造屬於華人漢字特色的文化創意。漢字是一種象形文字, 因此漢字的創造基本上是屬於形式的表現,設計創意大部分也是在處理形 態的問題,所以漢字的創造和造形的設計,存在許多共通的地方。觀看漢 字可以發現,大部分的字都是從自然的立體圖像轉換成平面的符號,經過 時間的千錘百鍊後,所形成的結構和比例具有平衡的美感。漢字的形態在 結構和比例上是如此優美,如果能善加利用,依循漢字的形、音、義轉換 成各種領域的文化創意,必能呈出具文化意涵及感動人心的應用成果。而 在漢字構成要素中,比較具體可供創意發想的是在形和義的部分,如果在 轉換的過程中,能將漢字形和義的特性融入到文化創意的應用中,則其產 出的實務操作將會更具意義性。因此,本研究計畫成果針對漢字師法自然的原則,探討從漢字的形和義轉化到文化創意產業應用的可行性,透過文獻探討與 各種文化創意產業應用實例的調查,架構一個漢字應用於文化創意產業的 模式,並進行工藝、設計產業的實務操作,提供後續以漢字為題材的設計 者與工作者在運用時的參考依據。


The Chinese character is a pictographic language. In general, the creations of Chinese characters are by essence the inventions of graphic forms. Design mostly deals with the forms, and hence there are many overlapping areas between the creation of Chinese characters and the formation of designs. One can discover after some close observations of Chinese Characters that most characters are two-dimensional graphics transformed from three-dimensional image. Refining and evolving by the time, the structures and proportions of these characters present certain beauty. Since the Chinese characters are so gracious both structurally and in forms, if one apply them on the transformation from two-dimensional writings into three-dimensional designs, a certain standard could be maintained for design. Form, phonetic and connotation are the three essential components to the formation of Chinese characters. The component of form and connotation are more related with design. If one can incorporate the form and connotation of Chinese characters into the mindset of design, then the designed products would be much more meaningful, and at the same time appeal to the public. For this reason, this research will investigate the transformation from three-dimensional natural objects to two-dimensional characters and then retransform to three-dimensional products. The research will especially concentrate on how to establish a model for the two-dimensional writings can be transformed to three-dimensional designed objects, and provide some guidelines and practical design examples as references for designers.