本研究從圖繪記號的判讀過程進行研究,探討圖繪記號的設計變化是否影響判讀過程。研究採用內容分析法與實驗研究法,彙整圖繪記號、質感、視知覺三大概念相關文獻,以分析視知覺辨識圖繪記號的不同質感表現,並透過「促發效應」的概念進行實驗設計與量測分析。 在圖形輪廓造形不變的情況下,將圖形表面質感分為五種類型,包括「擬真表現(3D)」、「灰階表現(2D)」、「線條表現一:白底黑線」、「線條表現二:黑底白線」和「輪廓表現」(剪影效果)。以文字和圖繪記號進行配對實驗,測量受測者對這五種質感表現的反應時間為何,以瞭解其傳達效益與判讀差異。實驗研究結果發現: 一、這五種質感表現中以灰階表現(2D)最佳,依序為線條表現二:黑底白線、擬真表現(3D)、線條表現一:白底黑線,最後是輪廓表現。 二、反應最快質感時間為2D的灰階表現0.72秒,最長為輪廓表現0.78秒。 三、整體而言判讀的反應時間,答對的反應時間比答錯快;正確配對的反應時間快於錯誤配對的反應時間。初步推論,在配對判讀過程中,文字與圖形的錯誤配對,會提高判讀的困難度,產生猶豫狀況進而影響反應時間的快慢。 綜上述研究結果,可供未來圖繪記號設計、視覺辨識、效益評估以及設計開發之參考。
Current studies about pictogram usually focus on topics of symbol design, such as symbol development, graphical cognitive assessment, and visual information analysis. In contrast, the present study focuses on pictogram recognition processes, explores how various design styles affect the figure recognition efficiencies. The methods used in this study include visual content analysis and experimental researches. Based on literatures about pictogram, visual texture, and visual recognition studies, the present study analyzes texture effects in a pictogram through visual recognition tasks. The concept - “Visual Recognition Efficiency” is used to design the experiments and data analysis. The texture effects of graphs used in the present study are defined as five different modes: “realistic expression (3D)”,” grayscale expression (2D)”,” line-based expression: white background/black lines”,” line-based expression: black background/ white lines” and “contour silhouette expression”. With a text-pictogram matching experiment, we analyzed the effectiveness of communication by measuring the priming effect of five different texture styles on matching reaction time. The reaction time versus the degree of simplification of the five texture styles was displayed. According the results, the findings were as the following: 1. The texture styles that has the best recognition performance is ” grayscale expression(2D)”. The rests in order are ” line-based expression: black background/ white lines”, “realistic expression (3D)”, ” line-based expression: white background/ black lines”, “outline expression”. 2. The fastest reaction time is” Grayscale expression (2D)”: 0.72 seconds, and longest reaction time is “outline expression”: 0.78 seconds. 3. Generally, the reaction time for correct answers is faster than wrong answers, and the reaction time for correct matches is faster than for wrong matches. Finally, the present research provides a reference guide which can be used for pictogram design, visual recognition, benefit evaluation, and design development.