




在二十一世紀初,國際間許多美術館重建了兒童教育空間,以互動教育為方向,為美術館教育帶新思潮,目前台灣重要城市也已成立兒童美術互動展間,此研究將以故宮博物院「兒童園地,互動展示區」以及臺北市立美術館「兒童藝術教育中心」為個案,探究1) 美術館如何以策略性地方式呈現互動設計展覽、2) 兒童與家長在參觀過程的互動與學習經驗。 以兩個美術館個案進行質性研究,融合了資料分析、觀察與訪談的研究方法,本研究顯示古文物館藏提供了多元的策展物件,而當代藝術為主的館藏有貼近生活的策展議題,各自可以發展出獨特的教育策略觀點。 教育意涵方面,本研究展現美術館互動教育空間對親子學習傳統藝術與當代藝術都有正面的幫助,可以鼓勵兒童與家長參觀美術館的學習興趣,並指出互動遊戲的設計,應該以兒童與家長可以自主完成,激發學習成就感的遊戲為主,並加強教育內容的提供,對父母在展間引導兒童學習有所幫助。


At the turn of twenty-first century, museums worldwide started to establish or renovate its educational galleries to reach out to more audiences and to transform itself into a more inclusive and diverse institution. In several major cities in Taiwan, exhibition spaces for children are also established. Grounded in two case studies, one centered on the “Interactive Exhibition, Kids Garden” at the National Palace Museum (NPM) and the “Children’s Art Education Center” at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM). This research engages issues related to 1) the presentation of art collections or art exhibition themes in the interactive exhibitions, and 2) how children and their family respond to the interactives and learn in the space. This qualitative research collected and analyzed data collected based on art museums exhibition content, visitor observations and interviews. The NPM strives to create interactive displays and apparatus related to its collections so that visitors can transfer the artistic concepts learned in the interactive galleries to their experiences of the artworks themselves. On the other hand, the TFAM curates contemporary art exhibitions and often invites contemporary artists to create works for children and family for the interactive space. This study provides critical educational implications for art museums involved in exhibition design for family visitors. Implications discussed include how the interactive exhibitions designed by museums with different types of art collections positively engaged family visitors. The interactive exhibition approach encourages children and their family to engaged in learning. This research also points out that the design of the interactives should be designed in such a way that the visitors can work on independently and feel empowered through the learning process. In addition, the educational content provided in the space is critical for parents to guide their children’s learning in the exhibition.