




藝術大學與一般大學學生的差異是:前者進入大學前多數已有超過10年的專業訓練,但後者是進入大學才開始接觸專業領域;而同樣是藝術大學學生,選讀教育學程的學生與其他校內同學生涯規劃也有所不同,研究者認為他們應該有不同的生涯發展模式。 本研究 目的 在比較 同樣是藝術大學學生,師培生與非師培生在社會認知發展論中興趣模式的差異 。研究對象共 697人( 279位 師培生), 在資料分析上,採用描述統 計、 t考驗及結構方程式模型。結果顯示:( 1 興趣發展模式可應用於藝術大學學生2 師培生與 非師培生 在生涯發展模式的影響路徑上具有明顯差異;( 3 對藝術大學非師培生 而言,生涯希望感來自於興趣與未來時間觀:但對師培生而言,生涯希望感與興趣無關,但是與通過考試的 生涯自我效能 ,以及成為老師的預期有關。


The difference of students from an arts university and a comprehensive university is the former one has accumulated over ten years of professional training but the latter one begins to study their majors after entering universities. Even in an arts university, students who study teacher program have different career planning from other arts students. Presumably, their career development model is distinct. The purpose of the study was to compare the differences of Interest Development Model from Social Cognitive Career Theory for students between teacher program and non-teacher program. 697 students (279 students from teacher program) participated in the study. Descriptive statistics, t-test, and SEM models were utilized for statistical processing. The results shows that (1) Interest Development Model was applicable for arts university students, (2) a significant difference of effective path from career development model was revealed for students between teacher program and non-teacher program, (3) for non-teacher program, Career Hope came from Career Interest and Future-time Perspective whereas for students from teacher program, career hope was not significantly correlated with Career Interest, but it was related with test Self-Efficacy and Outcome Expectation of becoming teachers.