正向情緒、自我效能和第二語言習得: 學習藝術的經驗可以促進英語學習嗎?


系所:人文學院 ∕ 通識教育中心



本計劃之目的在於探討藝術相關科系學生正向情緒和自我效能對學習英語文的關係與影響。在第二語言習得中,正向情緒和情感因素越來越被重視,部份的原因是由於正向心理學的應用、擴展和興起(MacIntyre, Gregersen, & Mercer, 2016)。對一個語言學習者來說情感和認知因素是同樣的重要(Stevick, 1990)。許多的英語教學法像是Suggestopedia, The Silent Way和Total Physical Response都是源自於這個概念。Krashen的情感過濾理論,非常強調情緒在語言學習中扮演的重要角色。Dornyei的第二語言自我系統模式更強調語言學習者有能力改變和達成未來的目標,此理論著重正向的自我信念、成就感、成長型心態和正面的改變一個人的能力(Mercer & Williams, 2014)。再者,許多的研究顯示藝術也可以帶給學生正向的情緒。然而,一般人對藝術相關科系學生的刻板印象就是在學術相關科目上表現的並不是很好,尤其是英文。所以其中消失的連結為何呢?基於此理由,本研究之目的即在探討正向情緒、藝術的潛力和學習英語文三者之間的關係。本研究分為四個部分,研究一、我們將研究正向和負向情緒是否為學生英語成績的影響因子。研究二、我們使用結構方程式來檢視正向情緒在自我效能和學生英語文能力中是否扮演中介角色。研究三、為質性的研究,我們將訪問學生正向情緒是否影響他們學習英語文。研究四、為了找出藝術相關科系的學生英語文學習的獨特性,我們將邀請他校學生,包含綜合大學、醫學大學、和科技大學學生做問卷,並比較分析學生在正向情緒和自我效能的表現有無差異? 本研究之實驗參與者約為五百五十位藝術相關科系學生。研究工具為三:(一)實驗參與者每學期皆會接受線上全民英檢施測,在本計劃中將做為檢視英語文學習之用。(二)問卷:分為五個部份:1.學生基本資料; 2. 鑑別性情緒量表,採用Fredrickson的研究; 3.成就情緒量表,採用Pekrun, Goetz和Perry的研究; 4. Watson, Clark, 和 Tellegen的正向與負向情緒量表; 5. Pintrich和DeGroot 的自我效能量表。(三)訪談:訪談題目來Novosel的研究。本問卷已於2018年11月邀請學生和老師試作(pilot study),問卷內容依照建議完成修改。 研究結果顯示正向情緒與學生英文程度呈正相關。英文程度越高呈現更多正向情緒和較少的負向情緒。回歸分析法中顯示在所有正向情緒中”感激”、”興趣”和”興奮的”是有效性的預測因子; 反之,在所有負向情緒中”擔心” 、”放棄”和”氣餒”是有效性的預測因子。結構方程式中顯示正向情緒在自我效能和學生英文成績中並沒有呈現顯著的中介效果,但是負向情緒是有中介效果。


The purpose of this project was to examine the influence of positive emotions on the English language learning for arts students. Four studies are included: In study 1, we investigated the issues of positive and negative emotions as predictive factors of English learning. In study 2, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was implemented to examine whether or not positive emotion is a mediating factor between students’ self-efficacy and English proficiency levels. Study 3 was a qualitative study. We synthesized the participants’ answers and attitudes toward positive emotions. In study 4, we invited students from one comprehensive university, one medical university, and one university of technology. The participants included approximately 550 arts majors. The research tools includd an online General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), a questionnaire, and an interview. The questionnaire consisted of five parts. Part I recorded students’ demographic information. Part II was Fredrickson’s Modified Differential Emotions Scale (2013). Part III was Pekrun, Goetz and Perry’s (2005) Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ). Nine different emotions, i.e., enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, anger, anxiety, hopelessness, shame, and boredom are included. Part IV was the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS). Positive affect includes: attentive, active, alert, excited, enthusiastic, determined, inspired, proud, interested, and strong. Negative affect covers hostile, irritable, ashamed, guilty, distressed, upset, scared, afraid, jittery, and nervous. Part V deals with students’ self-efficacy. The question items are adopted from Pintrich and De Groot’s (1990) Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaires. The interview questions are adopted from Novosel’s study (2012). The results show that a positive and significant correlation appeared between students’ English proficiency level and positive emotion for Broaden and Build theory. It indicated that students with higher English proficiency level show more positive emotion. A positive and significant correlation showed that students with higher English proficiency level show more positive emotion whereas a negative and significant correlation appeared between negative emotion and students’ English proficiency level in Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ). Among the twenty-four items. The top three types of emotions were “proud”, “enjoy”, and “happy”; on the contrary, the lowest three emotions were “quit”, “angry”, and “irritated”. For questions items in Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), a positive and significant correlation (r =.17, p< .001) indicated that students with higher English proficiency level show more positive emotion and a negative and significant correlation (r = -.42, p< .001) show that students with higher English proficiency level show less negative emotion. Among the variables of positive emotion, three of them were significant predictors: grateful, interested, and excited. Among all the negative emotional elements, “worry, quitting, and discouraged” were significant predictors. A SEM (Structural Equation Model) was implemented to examine whether or not emotion was a mediating factor between students’ self-efficacy and their English proficiency levels. positive emotions did not play a role as a mediator between self-efficacy and students’ English scores, but negative emotions was mediating between students’ self-efficacy and English scores.