




2006年由當時的台經中心主任朱雲鵬教授與財團法人李國鼎科技發展基金會秘書長萬其超教授發起舉辦「李國鼎科技與人文藝術創意競賽」(簡稱「K.T.科藝獎」),宗旨在推動科技與人文藝術之結合,以展現科普教育之涵義,並紀念李故資政國鼎先生一生提倡科技建設與提升人文素養之志業。 今年針對科普內容主題擴大辦理「李國鼎(K.T.)科藝獎-第一屆科普動畫工作坊」,創造學習平台為培養目前國內缺少之預拍攝人才,亦於活動中蒐集學員製作之科普動畫短片,以新媒體傳播科普,藉以增進大眾對科普之創意認知與興趣。 本計畫分為三階段。第一階段除了籌備會議外,我們邀請各大專院校及相關業界共10位老師參與跨校合作座談會,會中師長們相談甚歡、意見一致,會後更熱心推廣宣傳本系列活動。自105年11月起,先後於景文科技大學、台灣師範大學、台中科技大學、臺北藝術大學、輔仁大學、政治大學、台灣藝術大學舉辦七場科普講座。在每場講座中,我們分別邀請沈立言教授、沈聖峰老師、李旺龍教授、林思民教授、于淑君 副教授、王俊能老師、焦傳金教授、曹先紹博士等知名科學家根據自身專業領域先為同學們講述科學概念,後再由校內的動畫藝術教授接力上台推廣動畫與科學結合的新理念,鼓勵學生們多加嘗試,並同時宣傳隔年1月將舉辦第一屆科普劇本徵件競賽。本系列講座深獲學子歡迎、好評不斷,影響人數約250人,成就非常好的宣傳成效。 第二階段,以第一屆科普劇本徵件競賽作為工作坊先驅活動,迴響熱烈,投件數共74件,參與學員共計155人。從中評選出優秀得獎作品十件,並於同年5月初於K.T.科藝獎FACEBOOK公告。 第三階段,為期5天的第一屆科普動畫工作坊於106年6月26日正式展開,經劇本徵件比賽得獎人同意,我們取其作品為素材給工作坊學員參考,讓學員們自由創意發想並於期間內製作成預拍攝動畫,促進其在培養動畫能力之餘又能增加科學知識,進而對於日常生活的事件能以理性思考其中的科學面相。工作坊期間學員們興致高昂且積極認真,課餘訪談時也表示本工作坊系列活動極具意義,未來希望能繼續舉辦。我們將最後產出的16部影片與各大學院校的科普講座影片發布於K.T.科藝獎的Youtube(整體瀏覽人次總計419,667人),並在官網、facebook粉絲專頁及科技大觀園等宣傳。拜科技網路所賜順利地推廣科普動畫給大眾各年齡層人群,尤其是偏鄉弱勢族群,以期減少國內學子學習落差。 執行過程中受到屏東大學科普傳播系的鄧宗聖老師注意與青睞,邀請成果作品於屏東大學科普傳播論壇中展出,並合辦未來南部之科普動畫工作坊。K.T.科藝獎往後將繼續致力於藝術結合科學教育推廣,並加上專業技術教學,勢必將產生廣大的後續加值效益,為科普動畫藝術人才爭取更多平台及資源,以生動有趣的動畫手法令民眾對科學知識產生興趣,以達到真正科普傳播的效果。


Kuo-Ting Lee Technology and Humanities Awards (K.T Award) was launched by Prof. Zhu Yunpeng, who was the Director of the Taiwan economy Center, and Prof. Wan Qichao, the Secretary General of the Kuo-Ting Lee Scientific and Technological Development Foundation since 2006. The purpose is to memorize the achievements of Mr. Kuo-Ting Lee by promoting the combination of technology and arts. In 2016, we planned the "First science-animation workshop" focus on the science theme and improve the lack of pre-shooting talents. The program has three phases. First, we invited 10 professors join the cross-school cooperation meeting. Professors discussed cheerfully and were enthusiastic about helping the series. Since November 2016, we held 7 science lectures at different universities. In each lecture, we had some famous scientists talk about their own fields. Then art professors advanced the new conception combine animation and science, encourage students to attend the first science drama script contest in January 2017. These lectures were very welcomed and praised, and affecting about 250 people. Second, the first science drama script contest got great response. 10 outstanding winners were choose from 74 works (Total155 participants) and announced on the K.T Award facebook in the May 2017. Last, the Workshop was held from 2017/6/26~6/30. With the agreement of the script contest winners, we took their works as reference. During making pre-shooting animations, students not only cultivated abilities but also increase scientific knowledge for life. We published the final 16 output films and the lectures videos on the youtube. It enhances the public interest in science and helps the disadvantaged groups to reduce the learning gap. K.T Award works on producing wide range of follow-up value-added benefits for the science-art animation talents, more platforms and resources. Lively animations make people interest in scientific knowledge, in order to achieve the effect of genuine science.