




本計劃之目的在於從3x2面向成就目標、害怕失敗、自我設限和自我效能的角度深入研究為何學生延遲通過英文畢業門檻的原因。在台灣,大部分的藝術類課程著重在專業的訓練,學生使用大部分的時間在練習樂器、舞蹈、繪畫和表演,英語的學習在藝術領域通常被忽略。然而,由於全球化的來臨,職場上越來越要求學生的英語文能力,再加上英文成為畢業門檻,藝術相關科系的學生不得不重視英文的重要性。本專題研究分為四個子計畫。計畫一: 我們將檢視3x2面向成就目標、害怕失敗、自我設限和自我效能與藝術相關科系的學生英語文能力之間的關係和影響。計畫二: 英語文能力已經達到英文畢業門檻的學生是否在迴避成就目標、害怕失敗、自我設限上表現較低,但是在趨向成就目標和自我效能表現較好,反之亦然?計畫三: 我們將訪問還沒通過英文畢業門檻的學生,我們將藉由訪問的方式分析結果取得質性研究結果。計畫四:為了找出藝術相關科系的學生英語文學習的獨特性,我們將邀請他校學生,包含綜合大學、醫學大學、和科技大學學生做問卷,並比較分析四所學校學生都在面臨英文畢業門檻的壓力下,表現如何不同,或是其實不管是哪所學校的學生,在成就目標、害怕失敗、自我設限和自我效能表現並無差異? 本計劃實驗參與者為250位藝術相關科系學生,子計畫四還包含一所綜合大學和農業大學共104位學生參與。研究工具為三: (一)藝術相關科系實驗參與者每學期皆會接受線上全民英檢施測,成績一方面做為學生對自我英語能力的了解,也做為老師備課時的參考,在本計劃中將做為檢視英文畢業門檻之用。(二)問卷:分為五個部份,包含基本資料、Elliot, Murayama和Pekrun的3x2面向「成就目標量表」、Conroy的「害怕失敗量表」、Midgley 和Urdan的「學術自我設限量表」,以及Pintrich和DeGroot 的「自我效能量表」,由藝術、綜合、醫學、科技大學學生填寫。(三)訪談:訪談題目來自Conroy, Midgly, Urdan 和Usher的研究,訪問對象為電影系、戲劇系、音樂系、國樂系大四還未通過英文畢業門檻的學生。子計畫一使用結構方程模式(SEM),實驗結果顯示成就目標和自我設限策略是最具有預測和影響效果的。子計畫二顯示學生英文能力越高,在方法的目標導向、逃避的目標導向和自我效能地表現上就越高。相反地,學生英文能力越高,害怕失敗的分數就越低。子計畫三顯示學生都知道英文畢業門檻的存在,但是因為本科系太忙或是怕考試不通過等原因,讓他們遲遲沒有通過英文畢業門檻,學生並說明其實是因為他們沒有時間去唸英文,並不是他們的能力不夠。子計畫四比較三所大學大一的新生,結過顯示學生在自我的目標導向、其他的目標導向、其他的逃避導向、害怕失敗和自我效能方面有顯著性地差異。


The project presented an in-depth analysis of undergraduate students’ difficulties in passing the English threshold for graduation. It was based on the perspectives of a 3x2 achievement goal, fear of failure, self-handicapping strategies, and self-efficacy. A SEM model was implemented to retrieve the answers for study 1. The results of indicated that achievement goal and self-handicapping strategy provided predictive and influential effects on students’ English proficiency levels. The results of Study 2 show that positive significant correlations appear on the variables of task-approach goal, other-approach goal, task-avoidance goal, self-avoidance goal, other-avoidance goal, and self-efficacy. It tallies with the hypothesis that students who receive higher English proficiency scores obtain higher scores in approach goals, avoidance goals, and self-efficacy. However, a negative correlation happened with fear of failure which conformed to the hypothesis. Students with high English proficiency scores tend to get lower scores in fear of failure. Students who are low in English performance carry high level of fear of being failure in learning English. For all participants, only two variables show no significant correlation with self-approach goal and self-handicapping strategy. Also, among the variables, task-approach goal, other-approach goal, and self-efficacy were positive predictors. Self-approach goal and fear of failure were negative predictors. Next, the results of Study 3 expressed students’ opinions. All participants were aware of English threshold, but because their majors kept them busy, their English was not good enough, they were afraid of failing any English proficiency tests…etc. All the causes they claimed prevented them from studying English. One critical finding was that students believed it was because they did not have time studying English, but it was nothing related with their ability.