A New Model of Company Practices in Playback Theatre
From some painful experiences, the research would place more focuses on Playback Theatre (PT) company practices, especially unsuccessful cases. In addition, I always remember my research mission. How to build up a new model in Playback Theatre is a must to help the playbackers in Taiwan and the world. Through four parts of literature such as 1) traditional to 20th drama, 2) Applied Theatre, 3) Playback Theatre elements and 4) relevant company practice theories, the above formed a theoretical company practice framework.
To answer the three research questions and respond to six hypotheses, the researcher used three sets of qualitative research methods, like autoethnography for my five previous companies, content analysis in the five workshops, in-depth interviews with the five playback leaders and members, and one quantitative survey by collecting the 104 participants’ replies.
In addition to data collection, the analyses included factor and validity, item and reliability, and structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses to come up with a statistical model and a combined model for playback company practices in Taiwan. The researcher’s inspirations, findings, discussions, applications and future research are meaningful. There are five findings to be remarked: (1) different concepts about businesses, (2) 4-stage training tracks, (3) young company’s survival situations, (4) interpersonal relationships in Playback Theatre, and (5) higher goals of company profession. The results of company practices and development journeys in PT will be applied in theories, methods and practices.
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