
A Study on Representation of Homosexuality in Taiwan’s Newspapers



作者:王詩婷 / 碩士生 / 107年度




研究發現,雖然量化取向的內容分析結果顯示,在17年的報導中,同性戀形象已有朝向正面發展的趨勢,然而,經過深入的主題分析後發現,同性戀相關新聞報導內容仍隱藏著對同性戀族群的特定族群偏見或刻板印象。第一時期資源不足與刻板印象期(2000 年至2005 年)間,媒體在同性戀議題的取材與報導手法上仍較為片面與不友善,容易加深社會大眾對於同性戀的偏見與刻板印象;第二時期同志權益爭取與倡議期(2006年至2011年)間,此時期雖然仍有一定比例違反社會規範的負面形象,但積極正面、外界支持的正面形象出現的次數明顯增加;到了第三時期媒體與藝人關注高漲期(2012 年至2016年)間,隨著婚姻平權意識抬頭,在人權、集會遊行、同性婚姻、領養子女等議題皆有大篇幅之報導,報導主題與消息來源也漸趨多元。


The aim of this study is to investigate how the media portray and represent homosexuality in Taiwan newspapers. The texts are homosexual related articles from 2000 to 2016, which are collected totally 1,060 articles from four main newspapers in Taiwan, including Chinatimes, Liberty Times, United Daily News and Apple Daily.
The study method mainly uses content analysis to investigate how to portray and represent the image of homosexual. Then analyze news content by using thematic analysis. Besides, the author also intercepts and analyzes the content and title of reports, discussing social meaning and tendency presented by the reports to make up for the appearance of homosexual that can’t be presented by the quantitative data.
The findings indicate that the news coverage over the past seventeen years, the portrayals of homosexuality have been inclined to positive development. However, the arguments of anti-homosexual in society still exist. In the first stage of underresourced and stereotyped period (2000 to 2005), the media which draws and report news coverage is still somewhat one-sided and unfriendly. It is easy to deepen the public’s prejudices and stereotypes about homosexual. During the second stage of LGBT rights and advocacy period (2006 to 2011), although there is still a certain proportion of negative images in violation of social norms during this period, the number of positive and external support for positive images has increased significantly; By the third stage of media and performing artists’ concentration to the boom period (2012-2016), as the rise of awareness of marriage equality, the issue of human rights, pride parade, same-sex marriage and adoption of child have been reported extensively. The topics and source of news coverages are also getting more diversified.



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