Cultural and Creative Manager and Management in the National Palace Museum
With the development of cultural and creative industries, the practice of production in museums providing cultural products and services has become a profession. “Creativity” as defined here, is “symbolic creativity” which can be identified, managed or edited systematically and brought to formalization and commercialization by cultural and creative managers. In this paper a qualitative approach has been taken in a study of the National Palace Museum in Taiwan to uncover the policy and operational logic behind its creative strategy and practice. A value-chain approach has been taken in a stage-gate production process as an analytical framework. Empirical evidence and detailed information has been gathered from in-depth interviews with museum managers. An exploration of participation by the cultural and creative managers has also been done. The findings show that their engagement alters the symbolic creativity and directs the production process from cultural input through the outcome of production. They seek, within the context of museum organization, to balance values from cultural, creative, and economic aspects. The managers contribute a creative competence in negotiation with stakeholders as well as bridging the interfaces in the production process. An ideal combination of skill and competence in cultural and creative managers is suggested in the conclusion.
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