文字造形設計之辨視過程探討 (II)
本研究於102年透過促發效應(priming effect)之心理實驗法進行實驗研究,分析人們判讀美術字體反應的快慢(MOST103-2410-H-144-008),其研究已透過內容分析法,針對2013年新一代設計展之各校主視覺之字體設計進行分類,並依照分類結果重新設計字體造形為樣本進行促發效應實驗,其研究發現:以「具象造形」類的字體造形反應時間最慢,而相對於其他六類「原筆畫」、「減筆畫」、「連字」、「添加造形」、「圖形取代」、「位移重組」等字體造形則反應時間較快。 因前期實驗所採用之字形樣本為現成之字體造形,在實驗過程中發現,文字樣本較缺乏在筆畫數與字頻上的控制。因此,本研究在執行的實驗設計上,以上年度的研究為基礎,將文字字形樣本所分成的七種類型,按其定義再行設計各類文字造形,以擴大實驗樣本,共進行了182人的實驗創作,按七大類文字定義共設計出1274組字體造形。 本研究就視覺傳達設計領域而言,除了能提供多元的圖形與認知的判讀觀點外,更能提出文字與圖形組合設計的辨視效率之觀察與分析,透過視覺實驗探究視覺判讀的生理反應,提供相關視覺圖案、字體設計開發之判讀觀點與評估模式,以期建構視覺傳達有關視覺辨識效益之基礎理論。
In earlier researches by the authors, standard procedures for creating pictograms were suggested, and the recognition efficiency of those pictograms was tested by tasks based on visual priming (NSC 98, NSC 100, NSC 101). Standard procedures for testing design efficiency were developed along with valuable findings of pictogram recognition processes. To further extend the research paradigm, we suggested a priming experiment based on word-word matching task in the last year (.MOST103-2410-H-144-008). Artistic Chinese characters designed for the 2013YODEX were selected and inspected with a content analysis procedure. Six categories for the Chinese character design styles were concluded, and are taken as the test materials, displayed with standard font characters, and the subjects have to respond ASAP to answer whether or not they are matched (same character) or not. The reaction time is recorded to reveal the recognition efficiency of those artistic characters. The results showed that characters of the category “Contour Shape” were the least efficiency, in comparison with categories “Original Strokes,” “Reduced Strokes,” “Connected Characters,” “Add On,” “Substitution,” and “Recombination.” The findings will serve as a paradigm for artistic Chinese character design procedures, and also provide legibility evaluation suggestions.