
Art Museum E-Learning Resources Designed for School Education Purposes: Research on Educational Functions and Content


系所:人文學院 / 藝術與人文教學研究所





In recent years, the Taiwanese government has initiated programs to support the construction and development of e-learning, both in cultural institutions, such as art museums, and in formal education systems, such as K-12 schools. The e-learning initiations as implemented in Taiwan actually reflect a current trend on an international level. Art museums design e-learning resources for school teachers and students as curriculum materials to access museum collections off-site. With the invention of new technology, museums have been experimenting with more elaborated online interfaces, educational functions and contents such as playing interactive games, listening to art historian’s interpretations, uploading visitors’ artworks, or retrieving educational materials. However, it has been pointed out that most existing approaches to facilitating the teaching and learning in schools were developed from technicians’ perspectives. Scant research has been conducted to investigate user’s experiences and collect their opinions and suggestions as the basis for future design.


In view of this need, this research aims to elucidate the current approaches to organizing and presenting art museum e-learning resources, in terms of educational content and functions, as well as users’ responses. Six national and international art museum e-learning resources will be studied using the method of content analysis. E-learning art education primary school teachers will be observed and interviewed to contribute their opinions on the e-learning resources based on distinct dimensions. After analyzing users’ feedbacks, the researchers will devise an improved e-learning resource prototype incorporating specified criteria required by school users for art museums to integrate into their future practice.


Using multi-method research approach, this research can indicate the strengths and weaknesses of current e-learning resources provided by art museums. It will shed light on how we can advance the design of art museum e-learning resources by integrating content rich, user friendly, and, at the same time, innovative approach. The results may be offered to art museum website and e-learning resource designers so that the educational potentials of art museums can be better fulfilled. It may improve art museum professionals’ understanding of online learning, interactive learning, and e-learning game design, and, therefore, provide insight into how art museums in Taiwan may make better-informed
decisions about how to spend budget, time, and limited resources.


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