

系所:傳播學院 ∕ 廣播電視學系所



社群媒體興起讓科學傳播發展進入嶄新階段,歐美研究發現,科學家借助社群媒體進行公共傳播,不需再透過新聞記者中介,即可直接向公眾傳播科學研究成果,對於促進公眾親近科學、參與科學討論或對降低公眾對科學風險疑慮都有幫助。近幾年,歐美學者更積極進行科學家使用社群媒體與公眾溝通的動機目的與效益調查,從不同角度討論當科學家成為公共傳播者對科學發展等影響,相較之下,國內則較少見到此類研究,但在社群媒體影響力日漸深廣的數位時代,討論臺灣科學家如何運用社群媒體與公眾交流,不僅對提升公眾科學素養有幫助,對擴展科學傳播影響也有其重要性。政府部門向來具有示範作用,因此本研究挑選政府機構內科學家作為研究對象。研究方法將先以問卷調查方式,進行政府機構內科學家使用社群媒體與公眾溝通的圖像描述,接著以深度訪談法探索當科學家成為公共傳播者,對於包括與公眾溝通的態度立場、使用的工具以及困難挑戰為何? 以及與國外研究結果有何差異?都將進行討論。本研究應為國內首篇以政府機構內科學家使用社群媒體情景為主題,量質化並行的初探研究,除了描述臺灣政府機構內科學家使用社群媒體成為公共傳播者的現況,並將藉由與歐美文獻對話,具體提出強化科學家與公眾溝通能力與提升科學傳播效益的實用建議。


The social media has brought science communication development into a new stage. European and American studies have found that scientists can use the social media for public communication, and they can directly spread science to the public without facilitating the reports, and promote public awareness of science, participation in discussions, or reduction of scientific risks. In recent years, European and American scholars have actively conducted surveys on the motivations of scientists using social media, and discussed the impact of scientists becoming public communicators on the development of science from different perspectives. In contrast, such studies are rarely seen in Taiwan. The influence of social media is growing. Discussing how Taiwanese scientists use social media to communicate with the public is not only helpful for improving the public's scientific literacy, but also for expanding the influence of science communication. The government department always has a model role,therefore, this study is based on scientists from government agencies.
The research method is a questionnaire survey, which discusses the use of social media and public communication by scientists in government agencies. In addition, the in-depth interviews discuss the attitudes of scientists as public communicators, and they will also be compared with foreign research results. This study should be the first in Taiwan to use the social media scenarios of scientists in government agencies to conduct a preliminary study of quantification and qualitative parallelization. It will describe the current situation of scientists in Taiwan’s government institutions as public communicators, and specifically propose to strengthen scientists.
Communication skills and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of science communication.


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