A Study of the Qualia Characteristics of Taiwanese Food
Food experience is crucial for international tourists to understand local cultures. Studies have revealed that qualia are critical for product design. Qualia are closely related to consumer satisfaction with food experience. However, most studies have only mentioned factors that influence qualia, and no quantitative studies on food qualia have been conducted. Taiwan is an Asian hub with a history incorporating diverse cultures, thus creating a unique and diverse food culture. Taiwanese food has become a key medium for foreigners to experience Taiwanese culture. Therefore, integrating food into qualia is an essential topic for international food marketing. In this study, we selected eight typical Taiwanese foods and 12 qualia to conduct a quantitative questionnaire survey. Overall, 225 valid responses were collected. By conducting variance, correlation, cluster, and multidimensional analyses, consumers’ perception and classification of the qualia of Taiwanese foods were explored. The results were as follows. (1) People with food experience can be oriented toward affordability, locality, gourmet, and popularity. (2) Food preferences were significantly correlated with diverse flavors, rich taste, professional cooking, healthy nutrition, convenience, locality, and delicateness. (3) Food representativeness was significantly correlated with rich taste and locality.
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