Research on the Utilization of Unconventional Materials in Fashion Styling
近年來,使用異材質作為形象設計整體造型已成為一種趨勢。基於「異化」(Alienation)和「審美體驗」(Aesthetic Experience)理論,本文探討了在時尚造型設計中以熱熔膠作為整體造型設計,非常規或另類(Unorthodox Material)使用的可能面貎。異材質在形象設計整體造型中的應用,素來在時尚設計領域中占有不可或缺的地位。異材質設計與應用以創建的概念性的時尚表現,並達到材質美學性的探索,為時尚美容設計領域帶來了新穎的生活美學。此研究以「熱熔膠」(Hot melt adhesive)材質應用及表現,作為異材質議題探究而展開。
根據本研究的量化分析結果而做的質化結論,「材質情感」是9項子因素中得分最高(4.40)、排名第一。同時,顯示出「創意表現」的影響力是來自「美學品味」的方向;而「滿意度」則是來自是「媒材形象」。此外,作品中的「材質情感」(4.40)、「模型形塑」 (4.35)和「時尚工藝」 (4.33),是問卷調查結果中構成作品「創意表現」與「滿意度」兩大主題,且由9項子因素組成的前三重要排名順位。在「創意思考」、「媒材形象」、「美學品味」的三大主要因素評估中,其中一組參與問卷調查者為創作者團隊(大四畢業生)以滿分(5.00)給予自評。另一方面,其大四同班同學則給出評比分數最低(3.92),而本科研究生給予兩者之間的分數(4.25),三組填卷者(55人)平均值為4.19。
The use of unconventional materials as a fashion design has become a trend in recent year. Based on the “Alienation” [1] and “Aesthetic Experience” theories [2]. This article discusses the use of hot-melt adhesives as unconventional material in the fashion styling design. 9 items(sub-factors) from “Material Characteristics”, “Material Experience”, “Model Shaping”, “Technological Innovation”, “Fashion Cultivation”, “Unique Enchantment”, “Visual Effects”, “Qualia Design” [3] and “Taste Cultivation”, to evaluate the degree of the “Creative Performance” and “Satisfaction” of hot-melt adhesives in design works. The results of related research through quantitative analysis after questionnaire surveys showed that the sub-factor of “Material Experience” is the highest scores from 9 items. Simultaneously, 9 items are distributed into 3 factors of “Creativity Thinking”, “Image Medium”, and “Taste Aesthetic”, showed that the affection of the “Creative Performance’’ is the factor of “Taste Aesthetic “, and for the degree of the “Satisfaction” is “Image Medium”. Besides, the “Visual Effects”, “Material Experience” and “Model Shaping” are the first three important ranking to the design works. Among the three questionnaire participants’ backgrounds (graduates, undergraduate classmates including creators), the full scores (5.00) was given by the creator’s themselves for the hot-melt adhesives evaluation. In the other hand, their undergraduate classmates gave the lowest scores (3.92), while the graduate students gave the medium scores (4.25). Mean of three groups was 4.19. Hot-melt adhesives as a non-mainstream creative and design material, it provides an aesthetic reference for related industries.
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