Museum Immersion Interactive Design: Taking the Children Art Gallery Exhibition as an Εxample
藝術品是博物館的典藏,教育則是博物館的心臟。博物館的經營以3E:「教育、娛樂、充實」(Educate, Entertain, Enrich)為目的。1960年代,互動理論即被提出,1980年代起,博物館展示開始注重觀眾參與,而面對新世紀兒童博物館的挑戰,應如何運用新策略來轉化資源?則是當代各博物館當務的課題。透過文化、娛樂、教育和科技等跨領域的合作,運用說故事和尖端的科技,再增添愉悅(Ecstatic )的經驗,建構未來博物館經營4E模式,意即,在沈浸式互動裝置的科技運用下,更能呈現展品新面貌、產生新對話模式,並且高度強化觀眾接觸展品的愉悅經驗。
Art is the museum's collection, and education is the heart of the museum. The management of the museum is aimed at 3E: "Educate, Entertain, Enrich". In the 1960s, the theory of interaction was put forward. From the 1980s, museum exhibitions began to focus on audience participation. In the face of the challenges of the children's museum in new century, how should new strategies be used to transform resources? It is the subject of contemporary museums. Through cross-disciplinary cooperation in culture, entertainment, education and technology, using storytelling and cutting-edge technology, and adding Ecstatic experience to build a 4E model for future museum operations, that is, using the technology of immersive interactive devices , can better present the new look of the exhibits, generate a new dialogue mode, and highly enhance the joyful experience of the audience in contact with the exhibits.
In this study, through in-depth interviews with museum practitioners and expert consultations, the SHE curatorial design model for children's art gallery space are put forward, and they are actually applied to project planning. Then, by observing the museum audience experience, the narrative power of immersive interactive devices and the effects of cutting-edge technology are verified. Responding to and surpassing the concerns and needs of the parent-child audience of contemporary museums, inherited and followed in museum education.
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