The Pilot Study of the Theater of the Bauhaus
包浩斯學校(The Bauhaus)成立後,為使學生跨領域學習,校長葛羅培斯(Walter Gropius)希望畫家莫斯卡・史萊莫(Oskar Schlemmer)負責戲劇方面的課程,於 是從 1923 年至 1929 年,史萊莫領導包浩斯劇場課程的時期,創造了包浩斯劇場的 黃 金年代。他所提出了最簡潔的說法是「人體是移動的建築」,呼應包浩斯的設計 理念。然而相較於建築、產品設計等關於包浩斯的研究,包浩斯劇場相對較少人 研 究,但包浩斯劇場《三元芭蕾》(Triadic Ballet)的前瞻性實驗卻深遠的影響了近 代跨領域表演藝術的整合與發展。《三元芭蕾》(Triadic Ballet)於 1923 年在魏瑪 國 家劇院公演,長達十年的實驗,史萊莫以舞蹈與機器的隱喻方式,來開發探索劇 場的潛能。本研究計畫試圖從質性研究分析包浩斯劇場«三元芭蕾»,提出人體於 空間存粹性的美學觀點,並依分析結果編排«三元芭蕾»實際片段表演作品,並從 藝術史的角度,分析本作品在現代主義藝術發展脈絡中的時代性意義。 本研究目的為下:
(1) 回顧包浩斯理念對西方現代舞蹈之發展。
(2) 探究包浩斯理念應用於《三元芭蕾》之分析。
(3) 應用《三元芭蕾》創作理念於作品之實踐。
After the establishment of Bauhaus School, in order to enable students to study across fields, the principal Walter Gropius hopes that the artist Oskar Schlemmer will be responsible for the drama course. From 1923 to 1929, Schlemmer led the Bauhaus theater course, creating the golden age of the Theater of the Bauhaus and becoming synonymous with the Theater of the Bauhaus. The simplest statement he puts forward is that “the human body is a mobile building.” «Triadic Ballet» tried to create with the students in a workshop led by Schlemmer in 1912. In 1923, at the Weimar National Theatre, which took ten years of experimentation, Schlemmer developed the potential of exploring theaters in a metaphorical way of dance and machine. This stylized theater dance became an important text for understanding modern art revolution and Bauhaus’s stage thoughts. Bauhausdances.org suggested: “Schlemmer influenced the performance theory of Moss Cunningham, John Cage, and Ivan Nicholas.” Compared with the research on Bauhaus, such as architecture and product design, the Theater of the Bauhaus is less discussion. However, the forward-looking experiments of the Theater of the Bauhaus «Triadic Ballet have profoundly influenced the integration and development of modern crossdisciplinary performing arts. This study attempts to analyze the Theater of the Bauhaus «Triadic Ballet» proposing the aesthetic view of human body in space, From the perspective of art history, this paper analyzes the contemporary significance of this work in the development of modernist art.
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