Exploring the Social Innovation Factor of the Art-creation Painting Enterprises from the Perspective of Service-dominant Logic
This research aims to explore the development of museum digital image licensing in Taiwan, and explore the current development, value, strategy and potential of practical context. Although Taiwan’s museum image licensing system has gradually been gained attention after the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, it still has not received the same high attention as other core functions of museum. Therefore, the theoretical construction of image licensing strategy is still a gap in the academic research field. This research explores how museums use licensing cooperation to open the boundaries of knowledge sharing, create cooperative relationships, and achieve core values and goals, with a focus on innovative strategies for museum image licensing in Taiwan.
Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act is one of the legal sources of licensing regulation cited by museums in Taiwan, and it has the significance of promoting the image licensing of museum in the administrative system. Therefore, we use the subsidiary regulations of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act as the data pool for the selected research object. This research mainly takes the qualitative research method of single case embedded design, and assists with extracting important representative projects of this case as the secondary analysis unit. Moreover, it supplemented by research tools such as interview method and literature analysis.
The interviewees of this study are selected and stratified based on the important roles of secondary analysis unit cases. First, they are distinguished as "licensor" and "licensee". After filtering, we invite representative cases including, the principle investigator of the public welfare cultural and creative series plan, the designer of the JUST IN XX brand, and the executor of the dual-brand cooperation case of Lohas Pottery. The analysis framework of this research uses the Open Innovation (OI) theory of management as the core concept. The characteristic of open innovation is that there is a clear awareness of the management of the knowledge flow, and knowledge can begin to enter and exit the boundary throughdifferent mechanisms, breaking through the "not invented here (NIH)" R&D framework.
This research believes that emphasis on the incentives of innovation, including cultural meanings as value goals, creating connections, and proactively seeking suitable external participants, can promote cooperation towards innovation. Both the licensors and licensees also use the existing advantages to reconcile and seek a winning business model. The role of the museum creative navigator also exists in open innovation, guiding the path of innovation and practice, and assist in solving innovation problems. In addition to changing the existing market, the innovation results of the museum licensing cooperation also create new markets and even shape trend integration. This research suggests that museums should invest museum resources when promoting digital image licensing. We suggest museum use different strategies and make them coexist and explore current value and future development potential through the licensing system and regard the innovation of licensing as public interest and create a good cycle to benefits all participants.
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