
Model Construction and Open Innovation of Digital Image Licensing in Museums: Case Study on Licensing Strategy of National Museum of History



作者:王雅璇 / 博士生 / 109年度





This research explores the value and significance of museums in the diversified development of digital image licensing and establishes a theoretical research foundation. We analyze the social role of museums as a licensor, and how to systematically operate and huge amounts of digital assets. Taiwan’s museums have been accumulated high-quality digital images of collections. Nowadays, the field of digital image licensing in museums is an emerging profession that needs to rely on practical experience.
We construct the general model, and link museology and open innovation theory and explore various parties in the licensing system to create cooperative relationships to achieve values and goals. We analyze the relevant policies and sorts out the elements of key business models. This research further explores an open innovation model to further shape the cooperation force, integrate its creative cooperation process and context, and shape a forward-looking operation model.
This research believes that emphasis on the incentives of innovation, including cultural meanings as value goals, creating connections, and proactively seeking suitable external participants, can promote cooperation towards innovation. Both the licensors and licensees also use the existing advantages to reconcile and seek a winning business model. The role of the museum creative navigator also exists in open innovation, guiding the path of innovation and practice, and assist in solving innovation problems. In addition to changing the existing market, the innovation results of the museum licensing cooperation also create new markets and even shape trend integration. This research suggests that museums should invest museum resources when promoting digital image licensing. We suggest museum use different strategies and make them coexist and explore current value and future development potential through the licensing system and regard the innovation of licensing as public interest and create a good cycle to benefits all participants.


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