
Study on Zhishi Calligraphy in Han Dynasty



作者:舩田聖也 / 博士生 / 109年度





The research scope of this article is what the author has seen in books and websites. All the Lishi epitaphs that appeared in the second year of Wudi Yuanding in the Western Han Dynasty (115 years ago) to the fourth year of Emperor Xianping of the Eastern Han Dynasty (193) were studied. This will eliminate controversial works that have problems with the age, and the use of fonts, grammar, and style that do not conform to the Han dynasty. There are 48 pieces of Zhishi used this time, including the pros and cons. The research of this thesis can be roughly divided into three parts: The first part is the analysis of the writing content of Zhishi, through the stone inscription to clarify the historical background and the buried person’s name, identity, birth, cause of death, etc. The contents recorded in historical documents such as Han books are used to confirm whether the history and the background of the characters at that time are correct; the second part is based on the Han Dynasty Zhishi as the center, comparing the characters from the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty, from the bronze ware Compare inscriptions on bronze inscriptions, carved stones, bamboo slips, ink writings, etc. to examine the generality of the characters, their structure and shape, and compare and analyze them with Eastern Zhou Dynasty characters, Qin and Han characters, and Shuowen seal scripts to clarify the structure of their characters. Inheritance, confirms whether there are characters that are influenced by ancient characters, have ancient styles, or characters that are generated by the writer’s unique writing habits, and whether they are transitional characters in the evolution process; the third part is the characteristics of calligraphy and attempts to express it in calligraphy The layout, composition, and posture of the pen, together with the characteristics of ink and hard pen engraving, explore the art of calligraphy of "sword and pen coexist".


牛丸好一〈漢小隷(三)−前漢刻石−〉《書論》(第五号 1974年11月25日 京都 書論研究会)
黃德寬,《古文譜系疏證》,(商務印書館, 2007.2.1)

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漢代磨刀石九十餘品,歡迎交流-金石碑帖 古籍舊書-盛世收藏網 -
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