Beyond New Public Management: The Collaborative Governance and Public Value Building on Historical Site Regeneration中文摘要
New Public Management has a huge impact on government reforms and policy directions around the world. However, its challenges and limitations are especially revealing with cultural public affairs, such as outsourced historical site management, since these efforts do not prioritize economic benefits or efficiency. In response, Creating Public Value theory in Europe and the United States in the past two decades has carried out multi-faceted discussions based on value creation. It attempts to identify a new pathway for public sectors to innovate and to defend publicness.
Issues around outsourced historical site management are partly influenced by New Public Management. Without holistic understanding of values in historical site regeneration, cultural heritage researchers, public managers, and the public also contribute to current obstacles. This research believes that we should return to the philosophical discussion from production to distribution of publicness. By applying Creating Public Value theory and the concept of network governance on outsourced heritage site management, it is possible to customize an appropriate theoretical framework and solution based on existing problems.
This research combines public value and heritage value theories to propose a triangular dynamic framework that puts Creating Public Value at the top to negotiate between intrinsic values and instrumental values in historical sites.
This research argues that the creation of public value on historical site regeneration depends on the core collaborative network composed of the public sector, the private sector, and the local society. The three sectors must work on individual, organizational, and network levels, and have long-term investment commitments. It will form a good collaborative network, governance, and partnership to share decisions, risks, and benefits.
Informed by theory, and verified by empirical studies, this research also explores problems caused by value perception gaps among stakeholders of historical site regeneration. Through three case studies, it verifies that Creating Public Value theory is applicable on practical levels both as a strategy and as an evaluation method. Finally, it advocates that the successful outsourced historic sites management should be able to extend its influence to surrounding environment and communities, forming a universe of public values.
Issues related to the historical site regeneration are quite complex and cross-disciplinary. Historical site regeneration should connect with social networks and produce values. Values through stakeholder cooperation must also benefit the public. While well-designed outsourcing mechanisms and policies are important, it is key to build up shared visions among stakeholders. It is also the core spirit of Creating Public Value and collaborative governance.
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