兩岸中文歌劇對歷史題材的改編比較研究 ——以兩岸中文歌劇《西施》為例
A Comparative Study on The Adaptation of Historical Themes of Chinese Operas on Both Sides of The Strait——Take the Chinese opera Xi Shi as an example.jpg)
Zeng Yongyi. Opera and Opera. Taipei, National Press: 2004. Print.
Take the lead. An Outline of Opera Aesthetics. Hefei, Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House: 2003. Print.
Gao Tiankang. Dictionary of Music Knowledge Gansu. Lanzhou People's Publishing House, 2003. Print.
Wang Wenwen. Encyclopedia of Chinese Peking Opera Art Volume I. Beijing, Central Compilation and Translation Publishing House: 2011. Print.
Take the lead. General History of Chinese Opera and Musical. Anhui, Anhui Literature and Art Publishing House: 2014. Print.
Liu Xuan. Songs and Dramas - Reflections on the Research and Practice of Opera Art Theory. Sichuan, Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House: 2010. Print.
Chen Huishan. Listening to the Voice Beyond the Line - Research on Cross border Performance of Music and Art. America, Ehgbooks Publishing House: 2016. Print.
Gong Xiaoyun. Pure Coincidence? A Comparison between Baroque Italian Opera and Chinese Peking Opera. America, ehgbooks Press: 2013. Print.
Zhao Xiaohui. Research on Nationalization of Chinese Opera Art from a Multidimensional Perspective. Beijing, China Business Publishing House: 2018. Print.
Joseph Coleman and Yang Yandi. Opera as a Drama. Shanghai, Shanghai Conservatory of Music Press: 2008. Print.
Genette, translated by Shi Zhongyi. Selected Essays of Genette. Selected Translations of Criticism. Henan, Henan University Press: 2009. Print.
Robert Stam, Chen Ruxiu and Guo Youlong. Interpretation of Film Theory: 2008. Print.
Zhou Huabin, Lv Wenli. Commentary on Huanxi Sand. Jilin, Jilin People's Publishing House, 2001. Print.