Internationalization Strategies and Dynamic Capabilities of Platform Companies - A Case Study of the Game Industry
Theories of internationalization strategies and dynamic capabilities have been used in studies on technology industries, but rarely in a relatively new industry like the game industry. Specifically, studies have rarely addressed game platform companies’ abilities of resource integration, cultural dissemination, and achieving economic benefits. In recent year, some scholars develop a new construct that they term “international digital competence” (IDC). This study addressed the following questions: how do game platform companies conduct their internationalization strategies? What dynamic capabilities do they possess? How are they able to possess such dynamic capabilities? A case study approach was used to analyze secondary data through the lens of internationalization strategies, dynamic capabilities, and platform management strategies. Four game platform companies were studied: Tencent Games, NetEase Games, Gamania, and WanIn International. The findings reveal that with abundant financial support and excellent talent teams, these companies leverage commercial development and strategic planning as dynamic capabilities, and adopt the strategy of mergers and acquisitions, or strategic alliances to enter the international market. Moreover, through novel commodity management thinking and cross-domain integration means, game platform companies leverage commodity IP operation and brand promotion as dynamic capabilities, and utilize existing IPs of major international game producers or develop their own exclusive IPs to promote their products in international markets. Thus, this study identified the dynamic capabilities of game platform companies, international market entry strategies, and approaches for promoting their products in international markets. These findings can provide a theoretical basis for future research that further distills the dynamic capabilities that game platform companies should possess in their internationalization processes and how to utilize such capabilities, especially in other regional contexts and gaming markets.
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