Cultural Heritage Service Design and Experience Innovation under the COVID-19 Pandemic: A case study of Taiwan
Digital technology has promoted the further innovation of cultural monuments under the epidemic situation, making them closer to consumers' daily life and closer to the younger generation. Compared with traditional cultural monuments, for-profit cultural monuments need to sell their products to maintain operations. This study aims to summarize the strategies and innovations of cultural monuments in the context of the epidemic. This case study illustrates how a cultural heritage site in Taiwan leverages digital technology for service design and experience innovation to improve its inability to operate physically during the pandemic.
This case study included three cultural institutions in Taiwan, and the data were obtained from semi-structured interviews as well as observation and secondary sources. Based on fundamental theory, data analysis establishes a theoretical framework, collects data and uses strategies of open coding, axial coding and selective coding to interpret the data. This article elaborates on the strategies and measures of Taiwan's cultural heritage, especially the use of technology and the role of digital platforms and promoting social participation. The results of the study found that interactive live streaming is on the rise as a new way to boost sales. Utilizing multiple digital platforms can maintain consumer interest in cultural monuments and encourage follow-up visits, resulting in more online and offline traffic.
This article illustrates the advantages of digital technology in the context of the epidemic, especially the introduction of innovative technologies that introduce live broadcasting and social platforms that are different from traditional cultural monuments. This is in line with the development trend of modern e-commerce and the usage habits of the younger generation. The findings extend the scope of existing research on cultural monuments to digital-technological interactions, especially with regard to cultural monuments in the Asian region. This study proposes a conceptual framework. It describes service design, experience innovation, and digital platforms that can participate in consumer interaction processes. Based on a service design perspective, the study observes the transition from brick-and-mortar services to online services, reinforcing theories about cultural monuments. This article helps the cultural heritage industry understand the transformation path and innovation strategy during the epidemic, and sorts out the network operation methods of cultural heritage, which will help cultural heritage implement innovative strategies under the epidemic.
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