The History and Narrative Strategies of the Multi-Image Aesthetics in Film洪于茹.jpg)
This research examines the history of multi-image in film for more than one hundred-year, segment this stretch of time with considering the formal and stylistic trends in film history, and with the chronology of multi-image works into: the rise era in the silent cinema before 1930, the strategic development in the 1950s, the innovative trends in the 1960s, the prevalence of the New Hollywood from 1968 to 1980, the fall in the 1980s, and the return in digital cinema of modifying the classical style from the late 1990s to present, in order to facilitate the relationship among them , and how this form interacts with environmental factors such as the industrial cultural background and technical conditions at that time, and then narrates the expression strategies of related works in the context of rise and fall, so as to show the continuity and change of the style of this form.
The narrative strategies of multi-image film works can be concluded: the combination of dominant camera movement with implicit eye direction in visual composition to achieve dynamic balance, reducing the amount of information in each frame, and using depth of field and camera position to emphasize narrative emphasis, adjusting the dividing lines of multi-image according to the narrative purpose, blurring some frames to highlight the main image, etc., and the multi-viewpoint auditory perspective can also guide the audience's sight and filter narrative noise that is not related to the main narrative.
In order to achieve the best effect of the multi-image in complex narrative, it is necessary to establish the relative relationship between the main image and the sub-image in the narrative structure, as well as the necessity of constructing a deep narrative, in order to expand and strengthen the deep and sustained engagement with the audience. This study can learn from the past and learn from the future. In addition to laying the foundation for academic research on multi-image forms, it also provides a reference for the creative and aesthetic strategies of the multi-type video industries in the future.
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