Research on the design mode of “Adult’s Taste” anime/ comic peripheral中文摘要
With the rise of the anime industry, its associated peripherals have also gained a vast market. Fueled by the trend, anime-related merchandise has evolved to become more sophisticated and accessible, branching out into fashion, lifestyle products, dining, tourism, and even religious sectors. Through collaborations and other means, these cross-disciplinary entities have developed associated products. However, anime peripherals are still commonly perceived as catering to a "young" and "immature" audience. Items suitable for adults in their daily lives without being seen as too "otaku" are limited, especially those developed and designed by Taiwanese manufacturers. For adults who have grown up with a fondness for anime, their interest started in childhood. However, as they matured, entered society, and accumulated experiences, education, wealth, and various social influences, their sense of aesthetics, concepts, and taste - their "adult taste" - gradually developed.
Adult anime enthusiasts find it relatively challenging to find anime peripherals suitable for social gatherings. Hence, the availability of more "adult-oriented" products could address the consumption pain points of this demographic and fill the market gap. This thesis identifies six characteristics of "adult-oriented" anime peripherals through case studies, expert interviews, surveys, statistical analysis, etc.: "elegant quality," "subtle refinement," "timeless classics," "fashionable art," "healing warmth," and "familiar nostalgia." Additionally, it initiates the construction of related design processes and models. The research findings highlight a significant correlation between "adult-oriented" anime peripherals and the preferences of adult consumers. This contributes to establishing a preliminary research foundation in a field that currently lacks theoretical exploration and offers guidance for developers in planning, developing, and designing anime peripherals.
Keywords: Anime peripherals, design patterns, adult-oriented, otaku culture
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