
Long-term bedridden patients are facing the problem like, lake of companions or surrounding in boring...

  • 陳郁佳
  • 視覺傳達設計系


  • 陳俊良


  • 廖金鳳
  • 電影學系


  • 許杏蓉
  • 視覺傳達設計系


  • 陳俊良


The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of product attribute (object form and object size) and catalyst material on the motivation of touch, preference and visual sense. Two experiments were performed in this study. In addition to the catalyst material (wood, wool, flannel, acrylic, mirror, and mental) was evaluated in two experiments, object form (spheroid, cube, and tetrahedron ) was studied in experiment I and object size (3 cm, 6 cm, and 9 cm wood spheroid) was studied in experiment II. The dependent variables including the willing of touch, preference and 15 adjectives of sense were measured by questionnaire interview. The ANOVA results showed that the willing of touch and subjective preference were only affected by the catalyst material and object form. The results of regression equations showed that the willingness of touch was mainly affected by subjective preference, rating of “I want to play it”, and rating of “I want to feel the object’s tactile impression”. Moreover, the subjective preference was mainly affected by the rating of “I want to play it”, rating of “the object is beauty”, and rating of “I want to feel the object’s tactile impression”. The findings of this study can give an insight into the motivation of touch, and further provide some guidelines and recommendations about the product design and selling method to increase the competitive advantage of product.

  • 林志隆
  • 工藝設計學系

「釋奠」之名原非孔子祭祀活動的專稱,歷經變遷始成為祀孔的專稱,今釋奠樂主要是指祭孔大典時所使用的音樂,釋奠用樂的基礎來自於「大合樂」思想,「大合樂」主要是指音樂演奏的組合形式,其樂器分類為「八音」分類,所使用的樂譜上承宋元,多為明清傳譜,因此,釋奠樂是今日所見較具有古代「八音」宮廷祭祀樂樣貌的樂種,其重要性不言可喻。 本計畫之文廟又稱孔子廟、孔廟,臺灣的孔廟在傳統書寫上多以「文廟」名之,目前台灣主要崇祀孔子的廟宇至少有三十餘座以上,筆者按規模大小及崇祀型態將之區分為孔廟、孔子祠、聖廟與文武廟、宮堂等,每年所舉行的祭孔釋奠禮樂,多以有規模之孔廟為主,包含台南孔廟、高雄孔廟、嘉義孔廟、彰化孔廟、澎湖孔廟、新竹孔廟、宜蘭孔廟、臺北孔廟、屏東孔廟、臺中孔廟、旗山孔廟、南投孔廟、桃園孔廟、苗栗孔廟等,此也是本計畫主要的研究對象。 臺灣文廟釋奠樂自日治時期以降,雖稍有中輟,但相較大陸在1949年後祭孔消失近三十五年,日後曲阜恢復祭孔亦曾參採臺灣文廟的釋奠禮樂,更凸顯臺灣文廟釋奠樂的重要性。過去國人對於釋奠樂的研究關注較少,近年於此課題已開始受到部分重視,然研究成果尚不充分,本計畫期望藉由實地的田調與經典史料的考索,充實臺灣在本課題的研究,使臺灣在歷史文化保存成果上能更顯光芒。 本次計畫為持續進行之第二階段計畫,主要在第一年預計完成的文獻整理與研究的基礎上,以及北部地區宜蘭孔廟、臺北孔廟、桃園孔廟、苗栗孔廟等四所孔廟的田調工作上,繼續完成其他全台各地孔廟的田調工作,並進行綜合性研究與整理,期望能有一較完整成果。

Confucian Ritual Music is the music for the Confucius ceremony, it is based on the idea of ‘Grand Concert of Music‘ (「大合樂」). ‘Grand Concert of Music’ is the combination of musical performances, with the musical instruments being grouped as the ‘Eight Notes’ and the musical notation from Song and Yuan Dynasty to mostly Ming and Qing Dynasty. Therefore, Confucian Ritual Music is a special music type among today‘s music with significant characteristics of ancient ‘Eight Note‘ for palace ritual. The ‘Confucian Temple‘ is also named as Kong Miao or temple of Confucius. The temple of Confucius in Taiwan was mainly referred as ‘‘Confucian Temple‘ in traditional handwriting. In today‘s Taiwan, there are about 30s temples for worshipping Confucius. In this project, the temples are grouped according to their size and ceremony type. The annual Confucius Ceremony are mainly organized by large Confucian temples, including Tainan Confucian Temple, Kaohsiung Confucian Temple, Chiayi Confucian Temple, Changhua Confucian Temple, Penghu Confucian Temple, Hsinchu Confucian Temple, Yilang Confucian Temple, Taipei Confucian Temple, Pingtung Confucian Temple, Taichung Confucian Temple, Qishan Confucian Temple, Nantou Confucian Temple, Taoyuan Confucian Temple, Miaoli Confucian Temple etc., which are also the main research focus of this project. The Taiwan Confucian Ritual Music was not able to continue through the Japanese rule, while in China, the Sacrifice to Confucius was vanished for almost 35 years. As a result, when Confucius Ceremony resumed at Qufu, they took Taiwan Confucian Ritual Music as a reference. This further indicated the importance of Confucian Ritual Music. As the past research about the Ritual Music was limited, it is the main goal for this project to further enrich the Confucian Ritual Music research through field study and literature investigation, and add further values to Taiwan history cultural preservation. This proposal is a continuation of the current on-going research activities. The work to be done will be based on the literature survey, research findings, and field survey of four Confusious temples in northern Taiwan; which is being documented as part of current phase one scope.Phase 2 will include various research activities. It will include completion of field survey for the rest of Confusious temples in Taiwan, perform comprehensive assessment of the acquired information including detailed documentation.

  • 蔡秉衡
  • 中國音樂學系


The purpose of the project was to examine the potential of transfer of learning for arts students and the relationships among students’ fear of failure

  • 曾敏珍
  • 通識教育中心


A Study on the stele calligraphy of Yuan Dynasty Gao Dao’s Gu Laozi


The inscription of “Gu Laozi” on a monument by Gao Dao in the Yuan Dynasty is now stored in the

  • 劉嘉成 / 博士生 / 2016年
  • 書畫藝術學系

國中生知覺父母教養方式、教師管教方式、 同儕關係品質與幸福感關係之研究

The Relationships among Parenting Style, Teacher Discipline, Peer Relationship Quality, and Well-Being in Junior High School Students


Nowadays, physiological well-being is seen as a standard and used widely to evaluate the mental

  • 翁敏甄 / 碩士生 / 106年度
  • 藝術與人文教學研究所